Tag: Sports
Libia honors Guanajuatense medalists
The Government of the People presented the 2024 State Sports Award and recognitions to medalists of the National Competition System
The athletes a [...]
TV4 Center is presented for large-format events
The Tv4 Center will focus mainly in sports, culture, entertainment and education, but it will also serve other large format events
Leon/Gto News
CODE certifies physical trainers
CODE adds its expertise and resources to the professionalization of sport and trainers of police staff
Leon/Gto News
The Sports Commission, COD [...]
Guanajuato strengthens relation with Hiroshima
The Guanajuato group on a work tour in Asia is strengthening the friendship and business relation with the Japanese prefecture
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Rally of Nations roars
The starting flag was given on the esplanade of the Alhondiga de Granaditas Regional Museum of Guanajuato
Thousands of fans will experience the ad [...]
Rally of Nations roars from Purisima del Rincon
Luis Montiel will race at full speed with the colors of Purisima del Rincon
Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en español:
P [...]
Rally Guanajuato 200 Years is launched
Guanajuato Capital, Leon, Silao and Romita, are venues for the Rally 2024, an event that will be broadcast for more than 40 hours on TV4, FOX, social [...]
Bravas of Leon start their campaign in LMS
Alan Sahir Marquez made the historical first pitch of the first ball of the game Bravas of Leon vs Charras of Jalisco
Leon/Gto News
Bravas of L [...]

Professional soccer returns to Irapuato
The State Government will intervene in the 'Sergio Leon Chavez' Stadium with structural improvements
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Romita has a renovated base ball stadium
Leon Bravos play a friendly match against the Romita Baseball Team in the opening of the new stadium.
Today, the door to a healthier life is openi [...]
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