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Tag: Companies

1 2 3 4 20 / 34 POSTS
Irapuato reports more than 1,500 million dollars in investment

Irapuato reports more than 1,500 million dollars in investment

20 investment projects arrive in the municipality and will generate more than 9,954 jobs National and foreign companies establish or expand their [...]
Companies granted emblem ‘Peace Ambassador’

Companies granted emblem ‘Peace Ambassador’

Companies acquired knowledge to be agents of change. Staff at companies adopt concrete actions through eight strategic axes Más Gto/Leon A tota [...]
Group brings investments for 13,500 MP for Guanajuato

Group brings investments for 13,500 MP for Guanajuato

Good results are reported after the work tour to attract investments that a group of Guanajuatense Officials made in Asia The group was led by Gov [...]
Now playing: FORO GO ‘From the Inside Out’

Now playing: FORO GO ‘From the Inside Out’

Visitors to the event come from different States of Mexico and from many countries Guanajuato is the State with more MiPyMes in Mexico: Director o [...]
Micro, small and mid size companies are strengthened

Micro, small and mid size companies are strengthened

50 buyers -companies and state and municipal agencies- participated, linking up with more than 312 local suppliers, in 50 B2B reunions 5 industria [...]
<strong>Compliance with labor law is verified</strong>

Compliance with labor law is verified

The vice-secretary of Labor and Social Welfare has scheduled 300 inspections for the month of January and February 2023 in Guanajuato Authorities [...]
Guanajuato: Good numbers in export

Guanajuato: Good numbers in export

COFOCE presents the closing figures for the 3rd quarter of 2022 with positive numbers Guanajuato maintains double-digit growth in exports at the e [...]
All invited to consume local productos

All invited to consume local productos

Buying what is produced in Guanajuato strengthens and reactivates the internal economy With sales the jobs of entrepreneurial families of Guanajua [...]
Companies show social reponsibility

Companies show social reponsibility

Emblem ESR 2022 is granted to 109 SandMCs from Guanajuato. Another 28 companies from Aguascalientes and Michoacan also received the badge For 2 ye [...]
NAFIN and Guanajuato Contigo Sí sign agreement

NAFIN and Guanajuato Contigo Sí sign agreement

A fund for 1,740 million pesos is made available to finance the productive sector of Guanajuato Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer [...]
1 2 3 4 20 / 34 POSTS