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Companies show social reponsibility

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Companies show social reponsibility

Emblem ESR 2022 is granted to 109 SandMCs from Guanajuato. Another 28 companies from Aguascalientes and Michoacan also received the badge For 2 ye

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Emblem ESR 2022 is granted to 109 SandMCs from Guanajuato. Another 28 companies from Aguascalientes and Michoacan also received the badge

For 2 years, the State Government has been a Social Responsibility Promoter

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Irapuato/Gto News

More than 137 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises –MIPyMEs- from 3 states received statuettes that certify them as Socially Responsible Companies -ESR-, in addition, the State Government and the Local Governments of Irapuato and Leon were confirmed as institutions that promote the Distinctive.


The administration of the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, has been characterized by its social and human approach by encouraging the productive sector of Guanajuato to give priority to the people who work in the companies.

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The head of the Secretary for Sustainable Economic Development –SDES-, Ramon Alfaro Gomez said that companies with more competitive values are more competitive ​​and that society needs more organizations that have a vision focused on people, their environment and their community.

“The issue of social responsibility is a subject to reflect on in great depth, today our beloved Mexico and Guanajuato require each of us to reflect on what we have not done and what we still need to do, it is very clear that in Guanajuato the Government and the business sector are on the same side of the table,” he said.

The badge is an initiative of the Mexican Center for Philanthropy –CEMEFI- and it is promoted by the Irapuato Business Coordinating Council –CCEI- for companies throughout Guanajuato.

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With this badge, companies transform their policies, improve the work environment, bet on the well-being of their employees, streamline processes and promote care for the environment.

By putting the values ​​for human development above profits, it allows mitigating limitations such as staff turnover, work accidents and internal conflicts.

As this Distinction is granted, companies change from the inside their perspective to do business in addition to transforming their business philosophy towards a much more humane approach.

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Alfaro Gomez congratulated the companies that were honored, thanking them for their participation and inviting them to continue and promote their value chain to join this culture of Social Responsibility and he  also insisted that the State Government is an ally to add new companies towards a new, more humanitarian work culture.

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