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‘The growth of Guanajuato is impressive’

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‘The growth of Guanajuato is impressive’

Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo heads the Government of Guanajuato Christopher Landau, ambassador of the USA to Mexico recognizes the economic grow

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Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo heads the Government of Guanajuato

Christopher Landau, ambassador of the USA to Mexico recognizes the economic growth of the State

We wish to work very closely with the Government of the State, said the American ambassador in the event in the Zocalo, where the 31 States of Mexico have a participation

Mexico City/Gto News

The ambassador of the United States in Mexico, Christopher Landau, said that the economic growth of the State of Guanajuato, governed by Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, is impressive with more than 4 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) a year.

“I am anxious to visit my friends there in Guanajuato, there are many US nationals in San Miguel de Allende, and other cities, it is a great State. We want to work very closely with the government of the State”, noted the ambassador.

In an interview before he visited the stand of Marca #GTO of the State during the event: Mexico in the Heart of Mexico in the capital’s Zocalo, Landau said that it would be interesting to know the lessons that can be learned about the growth of El Bajio.

Lessons to be learned

The US ambassador said that the State of Guanajuato is an example to be followed: “absolutely in economic matters, all that region of El Bajio is really impressive, it is one of the economies with more growth in all the region and I think we all should see what lessons we can take after what they have done there in El Bajio”, said Landau.

“I have just visited Queretaro, I still must do a visit to Guanajuato, I knew the place some years ago as a tourist. I hope that the other states of Mexico can start the investment, the economic growth just as they have done in El Bajio”, said the US ambassador in Mexico.

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The numbers revealed by Mitofsky


  • One week ago Mitofsky informed its findings in a study that rated the best of Guanajuato and the other 31 States.
  • Guanajuato stands out for its colonial cities, since those polled gave a 51.2 per cent to the cities that are preferred by tourists and those cities have even been awarded some titles, for example San Miguel de Allende has been recognized many years as the best city in the world.
  • The State is also noted for its history and archaeological sites, and it was rated 12.4 per cent. Some of these sites are: Peralta, Canada de la Virgen, El Coporo, Plazuelas and Arroyo Seco.
  • Guanajuato also is noted for its economic and business activity, it was rated at 11.4 per cent.
  • Guanajuato has a treasure in its offer as a tourist, fair and traditions destination, which gave it a 5.3 per cent of approval.
  • The cultural and academic life in Guanajuato gave it 4.7 per cent. The education and cultural offer of the State is improving.
    • The study was made by Paneline in January 2020 and by the pollster that is operated by Roy Campos.