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Teacher preserves indigenous identity

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Teacher preserves indigenous identity

Ana Lilia is a synonymous with vocation and pride in the indigenous language and culture The teacher takes on the daily challenge of transforming

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Ana Lilia is a synonymous with vocation and pride in the indigenous language and culture

The teacher takes on the daily challenge of transforming minds and having a community willing to preserve its origin and identity

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San Miguel de Allende/Gto News

“When I started teaching, I knew about the commitment with children and the great challenge I faced, even more so for being an indigenous education teacher. I am convinced and proud of who I am and my roots, that is why I decide to share my language and culture,” said with great satisfaction teacher Ana Lilia Sanchez Trejo, a Hñöhñö indigenous education teacher at the Justo Sierra Elementary School, in San Miguel de Allende.

Clases master

Ana Lilia Sanchez Trejo, studied Elementary education for an Indigenous Environment at the National Pedagogical University, UPN, in Queretaro; and at 23, she began to work in Tierra Blanca as an Indigenous Language and Culture Advisor, and later moved to the community of Agustin Gonzalez, in the elementary school where until now. she does her job.

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The indigenous education teacher recalled that upon her arrival in the community she had to face the lack of acceptance of the teaching of an indigenous language; “I dedicated myself to looking for spaces to raise awareness about the importance of revaluing our language as part of the culture, through activities with parents, and fellow teachers, as well as students, which made us a more involved and participating school community”.

To have the mother tongue known outside the education institution, teachers create spaces to project the work and effort of girls and boys; In the case of the teacher Ana Lilia, she captures cultural samples through poems, stories, songs, plays, in which her students show the education community the skills acquired in the classroom, with the use of oral language to communicate in hñöhñö.

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Some schools participated in the contest of the Mexican National Anthem in hñöhñö, in which schools from the municipalities of San Miguel de Allende and Dolores Hidalgo participate, a strategy that allows us to connect with our origins, our identity, respect the culture of our people and support with conviction the preservation of mother tongues.


Ana Lilia is well known for creating strategies that favor the learning of hñöhñö in a fun way and, for this, implements the use of didactic materials such as number lotteries, lotteries from different learning topics, dominoes, pirinola, mobile alphabet, “all the materials promote the indigenous language, and if there are no printed materials, the students and their families support me in their elaboration”, she said.

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In addition, it promotes learning through the arts and music with festivals and socio-cultural events in which girls and boys present songs, poems, plays, write their own texts such as stories, poems and riddles; some of these writings become teaching resources for the classroom library.

“Language allows us to access a world of culture and a different conception of the world, our linguistic richness should not be lost and to achieve this, we need the commitment of everyone as a society”

Teacher Ana Lilia Sanchez Trejo

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The Secretary of Education of Guanajuato praises the great work and commitment of teachers, such as Ana Lilia Sanchez Trejo who, thanks to her daily performance in the classroom, brings us closer to the goal of building a great future together and the best education system of Mexico.

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