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Tag: South Korea

Investments for more than one thousand MD

Investments for more than one thousand MD

Governor of Guanajuato closed his tour of Japan and South Korea, where 15 projects were completed, announced or prospected, to generate investments f [...]
They want to settle and manufacture in Guanajuato

They want to settle and manufacture in Guanajuato

An orthopedics products company, Corentec is analyzing to start operations in Guanajuato Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en espa [...]
Governor announces arrival of AB Medical

Governor announces arrival of AB Medical

AB Medical, from South Korea, arrives in Guanajuato with a new plant to manufacture blood collection tubes Da click en el link al final de la nota [...]
South-Koreans announce investments

South-Koreans announce investments

These investments will generate 850 new jobs for Guanajuato in companies of the automotive and medical field They will be very successful in Guana [...]
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