Tag: Secret sales

A new UG Center opens in Silao
University Officials are working to congregate more bees with this unit
The new University Unit of Silao-UG starts operations
Da click en el li [...]

Working for a more green Guanajuato
On the Day of the Tree Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, started the 2022 State Reforestation Season and closed the 2022 Forest [...]

Fives DyAG grows in Guanajuato
Fives DyAG is a world-class business group that designs, manufactures and puts up production lines for the automotive industry.
The company works [...]

Guanajuatenses compete at EnjoyAI
There were teams from China, England, Malysia, The Netherlands, South Korea and Greece
The 1st Edition of the EnjoyAI WhalesBot Robotics Tournamen [...]

District of Innovation for Guanajuato
The District of Innovation will have an investment of 14 million pesos and first class components
IDEA Gto will have a place to develop and pr [...]

Stability in Guanajuato attracts investment
Investment in training strengthens and improves the workforce and benefits companies and the economy of the State
New employees at Pirelli rec [...]

Investment for plant in Puerto Interior
ITT Motion Technologies is a world leader in production of brakes and shock absorbers
The company will invest US$40 million at its plant in Si [...]

Denso is expanding in Silao
The cornerstone of the third expansion of the Denso Plant in Silao will have a starting investment of 9.8 million dollars
With this expansion [...]

8th Agave Festival in Guanajuato
December 5th and 6th are the closing days at the Teatro Bicentenario in Silao, on these days the festival will have presentations of dishes, music an [...]

Impregnadora starts operations in Silao
The Governor of Guanajuato launched the start of operations of the company in the Parque Industrial Logistics Las Vias II
An important process is [...]