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Tag: León

1 219 / 19 POSTS
‘Trends & Design Fashion Forum 2022’ is launched

‘Trends & Design Fashion Forum 2022’ is launched

The event will be held on November 9 at the "Roberto Plasencia Saldaña" Bicentennial Theater, in Leon The goal is to promote the Mexican fashion i [...]
‘Guanajuato is epicenter of innovation’

‘Guanajuato is epicenter of innovation’

Governor welcomes participantes of the ceremony of the Night of Industrialists Leon receives great entrepreneurial leaders, leaders of the industr [...]
Spacio i: Open innovation community

Spacio i: Open innovation community

Knowledge and exprience is shared to generate business models with a global and innovative vision Communities are created to foster the growth of [...]
New company to arrive in Guanajuato

New company to arrive in Guanajuato

Governor agrees on investment for more than 1,500 million pesos with the American company Donaldson Filtration Solutions for León We believe in hu [...]
Leon to host S&S Tourism Summit

Leon to host S&S Tourism Summit

The Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato will host this Summit that will be held August 31 to September 3 at Poliforum Leon The Sustainable & So [...]
Guanajuato shares success in Tourism

Guanajuato shares success in Tourism

The State brings to the Congress the "Hannover Panel, as a success story" and will offer attendees of the CNIR a typical meal Guanajuato is the 5t [...]
The 6th Edition of ForoGo is presented

The 6th Edition of ForoGo is presented

This event is a meeting point where entrepreneurs can change their way of thinking and doing business, offering their products and services from Mind [...]
MSMEs competitiveness is promoted

MSMEs competitiveness is promoted

In the 109th anniversary of the CANIRAC, the head of SDES inaugurated the 2nd. Forum “ACCIONA Businessmen facing a new reality” Guanajuato promote [...]
Ale es Alcalde Electa

Ale es Alcalde Electa

Consigue un Cabildo sólido con dos síndicos y siete regidores azules; está lista para sumar a la oposición por el bien de los leoneses. Ale Gutiér [...]
1 219 / 19 POSTS