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Syncytial, influenza and Covid 19 viruses return

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Syncytial, influenza and Covid 19 viruses return

Hundreds of new cases have been registered in Guanajuato since October to this date Authorities advice all to reinforce awareness and self care

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Hundreds of new cases have been registered in Guanajuato since October to this date

Authorities advice all to reinforce awareness and self care

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Guanajuato/Gto News

The Guanajuato State Health Council –COSEG- met this Wednesday due to the increase in diseases of respiratory origin that are causing the presence of the influenza virus, Covid 19 and the syncytial virus in the population.


The Chief of Epidemiology in Guanajuato Fatima Melchor Marquez stressed that despite the fact that cases of influenza in Guanajuato practically disappeared as a result of the pandemic, today three types of virus that cause acute respiratory diseases are circulating.

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So far, from October to date, 622 cases of influenza have been confirmed in Guanajuato, the distribution is found in different municipalities, with the highest incidence in Leon, Acambaro, Salamanca, Jerecuaro and Valle de Santiago.

However, based on the accumulated incidence rate, the municipalities of Coroneo, Tarandacuao and Santiago Maravatio have the highest incidence. In addition, this season 2 adults have died of influenza.

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Most of the cases are appearing in young people who, if they do not have comorbidities, they are not a priority for vaccination.

The State Head of Epidemiology stressed that respiratory syncytial virus, also known as respiratory syncycial virus, is a common viral disease. It usually causes mild cold-like symptoms.

It can cause serious lung infections, especially in babies, older adults, and people with serious medical problems.

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RSV is spread from person to person through the air by coughing and sneezing, direct contact, such as kissing the face of a child with the virus on it, touching an object or surface with the virus on it, and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes before washing hands.

The secretary of health, Daniel Alberto Diaz Martinez, called on the population to adopt prevention actions against the three viruses, and these are:

  • Dress warm, consume plenty of liquids and avoid sudden changes in temperature
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If any of the following symptoms appear go to your medical service:

  • Fever, Dry cough, Tiredness

Other less common symptoms are:

  • Aches and pains, Sore throat, Diarrhea, Conjunctivitis, Headache, Loss of sense of smell or taste, Skin rashes or loss of color on the fingers or toes

Serious symptoms are:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Feeling short of breath
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Diaz Martinez said that the Gto Health System permanently maintains epidemiological surveillance throughout the State territory during the cold season, especially in areas where the lowest environmental temperature is recorded, due to the increased frequency of acute respiratory infections and the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and hypothermia.

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