Laureano Brizuela, the Argentinian Singer, joined Volunteers of SEG and helped collect items for the students In San Luis de la Paz 54 indigen
Laureano Brizuela, the Argentinian Singer, joined Volunteers of SEG and helped collect items for the students

In San Luis de la Paz 54 indigenous students were benefitted
San Luis de la Paz/Gto News
As part of the actions of the Volunteers of the Secretary of Education of Guanajuato –SEG- Region II, Adriana Cecilia Gama Hernandez, the Argentinian singer Laureano Berizuela and Martha Elena Usabiaga Gonzalez, on behalf of entrepreneurs handed in 54 tablets to students of the Elementary Indigenous School Majurru of the Municipality of San Luis de La Paz.

Tools for learning
The gadgets were provided to the 100% of the students of this indigenous school, the goal is to support their learning and provide tools for their education.
Adriana Cecilia Gama Hernandez, the Coordinator of Volunteers of SEG, thanked the solidarity and social commitment of Martha Elena Usabiaga Gonzalez and Laureano Brizuela, as well as all the people and institutions, companies, public and private institutions , who support actions for educations that organize the Volunteers of SEG.

‘You move us’
Gama Hernandez called students to take care and use the education tool they just received. “You move us to knock on doors, to look for donations and touch other people’s hearts because we are convinced that you are the builders of the future of this society, that is why we want you to go on studying and be good people, with a great social commitment”, said Gama.

A promise
Laureano Brizuela, the Argentinian singer, said that it is important to bring students the necessary resources to promote their growth and education and communication, “today we bring a promise to this school, here we set up a chain of friends, thanks to the initiatives of the SEG and through the Volunteers”.

Arylene Guadalupe Duarte Ramirez, a student of Sixth Grade, thanked the support and said she would like to share her Tablet with other students who need it.
The students at the Majurru school also received blankets as part of items coollected in the Winter campaign “Let’s Cover Our Dreams”.