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RAI 2022 Guanajuato presented in CDMX

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RAI 2022 Guanajuato presented in CDMX

It is the most important event in the Mexican industrial sector, led by Concamin, which represents 119 chambers and industrial associations The An

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It is the most important event in the Mexican industrial sector, led by Concamin, which represents 119 chambers and industrial associations

The Annual Industrials Reunion will be held in Leon on October 4 to 6

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Mexico City/Gto News

The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, and industrial leaders from Mexico, presented the Annual Meeting of Industrialists (RAI) 2022 to be held from October 4 to 6 in the city of León by the Confederation of Industrial Chambers of the United Mexican States (Concamin).

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With the axis, “A future with sustainability and inclusion: Innovation in the Mexican industry”, the RAI will bring together more than 800 leaders and entrepreneurs from the industrial sector of Mexico to analyze the progress and challenges of the Sector and propose initiatives and projects to contribute to the development industry sustained.

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“We are very happy to receive the RAI, it is not a minor thing, and it honors us because it is a meeting that has always been held in other states and now Guanajuato will be, for the third time, the epicenter of the Annual Meeting of Industrialists,” said the Governor.

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Guanajuato, he added, is a business state and the best way to end poverty is to generate wealth, that is why businessmen and governments generate jobs and innovative projects.

“We want our young Guanajuato entrepreneurs to be up to date, with information from leaders. They will tell you about what is happening in the world; These are issues that our small, medium and large businessmen in the State will be able to hear live in these meetings that will enrich them”, said the State President.

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The President of the Concamin, José Abugaber Andonie, said that the participation of more than 160 companies from 10 countries and more than 30,000 visitors is expected, including SMEs from various national businesses, and from León 150 footwear, tannery and supply.

He said that in the organization, an effort is made from the Confederation of Chambers to be at the level and that all interested parties can experience it.


“There is a great dilemma that innovation and technology is only for large companies and it is for everyone, that is why we want to make them aware and we work on a great project, so that through applications and technology, everyone can get on the boat”, said.

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At RAI, to be held at the Poliforum center in Leon,Guanajuato, workshops and conferences will be held with national and international speakers, strategic allies and sponsors, innovation in 4.0 technologies, commercial exchanges, participation of young people, digital meetings and signing of agreements.

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