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Purisima invites to Magic Nights in Jalpa de Canovas

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Purisima invites to Magic Nights in Jalpa de Canovas

Purisima del Rincon is inviting to visit Jalpa de Canovas in its 11th edition of the Magic Nights in the Magic Town and Best World Tourism Village. O

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Purisima del Rincon is inviting to visit Jalpa de Canovas in its 11th edition of the Magic Nights in the Magic Town and Best World Tourism Village. Organizers announced new attractions like hot air balloons with figures, telescope, and the event is presented as inclusive

Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

This November 9th Purisima del Rincon presents the event in the stage of the Magic Town and Best World Tourism Village of Jalpa de Canovas, with the 11th edition of the event and the arrival of hot air balloons in the Magic Nights, said in a press conference the Mayor of Purisima del Rincon, Roberto Garcia Urbano.

In this edition there will be 5 balloons, 3 of them with attractive figures and 2 traditional.

This Magic Night starts at 4:30 in the evening, and lasts until 1am of Saturday, according to the program presented by the municipality of Purisima del Rincon.

In a press conference in Leon, Roberto Garcia Urbano, with Frida Ximena Huett Lopez, director of Tourism Products of the Secretary of Tourism and Identity of the State of Guanajuato, presented and promoted the program of the 11th edition of the Magic Nights.

This event will be held at the Sports Center San Andres de Jalpa. Visitors will be able to watch the stars through a telescope for a minimum cost, and it will be available for those who want to enjoy the stars.

As it occurred last year, the event is special for kids and the family with shows, workshops with local artisans and attractions, while the young and adults will enjoy other activities like bull riding and Medieval Archery.

Roberto Garcia Urbano said that in this edition and until now they have 54 exhibitors registered, one of them is Silvia Murillo, who in the press conference and on behalf of the exhibitors invited all people to come to the event.

This is the third event, said Garcia Urbano, that is held with the responsible tourism process and this responds to the protection of the environment and the promotion of sustainable practices, reducing as much as possible the use of disposable materials, and with merchants committed to adopt this new process, after being trained by the City’s Authority.

Also the visitors to the Magic Nights event will enjoy the flavors of the gastronomy of the traditional cooks of Purisima del Rincon, ice cream from Dolores Hidalgo, and will be able to buy products made by Guanajuatense hands, buying products with the Marca Guanajuato seal.

In this 11th edition of the Magic Nights there will be no sale of alcoholic beverages in the premises of the event to take maximum care of visitors, their families and friends.

In this event inclusion will also be for the genre diversity, all have a place and are invited to visit Jalpa de Canovas, handicapped will also be welcome and well cared for.

Organizers are expecting to have more visitors this year than the 13,000 that showed up in 2023, with people coming from neighboring municipalities, some in Guanajuato and Jalisco and some visitors that are already coming back home from the USA.

For those who wish to stay overnight after enjoying the Magic Nights, there are 12 hotels available in Purisima del Rincon, in the City, in Jalpa de Canovas and Canada de Negros, with a lodging capacity for a total of 200 guests, besides offering the service of 10 parking lots.

The show of the balloons starts at 8pm, with the lightning of the balloons, although since 4:30pm there will be cultural events for those who decide to arrive early.

Later from 9 to 11pm visitors will enjoy the presentation of Ramon Crisostomo and his Perla Negra band and from 11pm to 1am Sonora Dinamita will delight visitors.

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