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Poems Everybody!

“Adiós a la cantora” Lorena Erpel Arriba en el universo Hay bailes y un gran festejo Porque la abuela cantora Deja el cuerpo y ya reto

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“Adiós a la cantora”

Lorena Erpel

Arriba en el universo

Hay bailes y un gran festejo

Porque la abuela cantora

Deja el cuerpo y ya retorna

Porque la abuela cantora

Deja el cuerpo y ya retorna

Se va hermosa, una muñeca

Con un vestido floreado

Con su boquita entintada

Y un rosario entre las manos

Con su boquita entintada

Y un rosario entre las manos

Me has dejado el alma llena

De canciones y azucenas

Ay, cantora libertaria

Vas al monte, vas al agua

Y la voz con la que canto

Es tu más sagrada herencia

La llevo con fuerza adentro

Y siento el fuego, siento el viento

Siento al bosque, siento al rayo

Hoy tu canto va en mi canto

El gran banquete preparan

Manjares, rosas, primores

Brindo por las señoritas y también por los señores

Brindo por las señoritas y también por los señores

Que linda que está la mesa

Su madre es quien la decora

Que suerte los invitados

Va llegando la cantora

Que suerte los invitados

Va llegando la cantora

Me has dejado el alma llena

De canciones y azucenas

Ay, cantora libertaria

Vas al monte, vas al agua

Y la voz con la que canto

Es tu más sagrada herencia

La llevo con fuerza adentro

Y siento el fuego, siento el viento

Me has dejado el alma llena

De canciones y azucenas

Ay, cantora libertaria

Vas al monte, vas al agua

Y la voz con la que canto

Es tu más sagrada herencia

La llevo con fuerza adentro

Y siento el fuego, siento el viento

Siento al bosque, siento al rayo

Hoy tu canto va en mi canto

Lorena Erpel Chilean Singer 3

A momento of transcendence and inspiration

This song came to me while I was painting mi great-grandmother’s lips as her body lied dead and we were dressing her up for her funereal rite.

Lorena Erpel Chilean Singer 4

She was also a singer and I inherited this gift from her. We had a very special and magical conection and of course that, as I sing and create music it is an honor as I know that it is a legacy of my mother’s lineage.

Lorena Erpel Chilean Singer 5

The ritual moment as I was dressing up mi great-grand mother with all her daughters and my mother (her grand-daughter) it was so moving and poetic. It was magical, it was then that this song came to me, I went up to the second floor and I wrote it immediately. It is a tune that is in octosyllabic.

This song reminds me of how important our ancestors are, and that all they did was not in vain, it made sense and transcendence for us who come after them.

Lorena Erpel Chilean Singer 6

Besides it is an ode to all the women who sing to something, in the case of my great-grandmother she sang songs, but there are other women who sang to freedom, to the well being of their families, and so much more.

Lorena Erpel Chilean Singer 7

For the video of this song I called on my social networks for people who follow me to send photographs and videos of some grandmother or ancestor whom they would want to pay homage.

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I received a lot, and the video is a compilation of many women who are today in another dimension and who have left a permanent legacy for us, we stay on Earth paying homage to them with our actions and our laughter as we live fully and happy just the way they wanted us to be.

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