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<strong>Guanajuato trains its workforce</strong>

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Guanajuato trains its workforce

More than 500 workers in the automotive industry certify basic education INAEBA education offer is brought closer with a fair of service

Certify your education with INAEBA at the Summer Festival
INAEBA offers its services at the Leon Fair
Fines are paid in Leon by completing basic education

More than 500 workers in the automotive industry certify basic education

INAEBA education offer is brought closer with a fair of services to workers in San Francisco del Rincón

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San Francisco del Rincon/Gto News

The Institute for Adult Basic Education and Literacy –INAEBA- works in coordination with the company Kromberg & Schubert, which has benefited 547 employees, of which 498 completed high school and 49 completed Elementary School.

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Kromberg & Schubert is affiliated with the Union of Workers of the Automotive Industry and Auto Parts -STIAA- with which INAEBA signed an agreement and detonated in a services fair in which the Institute participated.

The goal was to make the education services known in the workplace to workers who need to learn to read and write, or finish primary and secondary school.

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During the fair, a total of 20 people registered and 6 more received their official certificate for the different levels of basic education. It was announced that attention will be maintained permanently for workers.

Salvador Partida Lopez, Kromberg & Schubert electrical test bench coordinator, shared his experience certifying the secondary school with INAEBA.

“There are opportunities like INAEBA here in the company; the truth is that it helped me a lot because on the one hand I was promoted to be a supervisor and, on the other hand, when my children saw that I finished high school, they were very pleased”, said Partida Lopez.

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He said that this type of fair within the workplace encourages workers to resume their studies.

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“Here we have many people who are just starting with the company, many of them, perhaps with nothing or few studies, who would like to receive the services of INAEBA with the intention of continuing to learn and not be left stagnant, that they only did primary school and that’s where I say, no! on the contrary, you have to look for high school”, said Partida.

Salvador said that on the day his children Jonathan, 14, and Kenia, 10, knew he had gotten his degree, he became a superheroe for them, but he made it clear that there are no impossible goals to achieve and that there is no better tool to achieve them than studying.

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