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Guanajuato is consolidated as a digital government

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Guanajuato is consolidated as a digital government

Guanajuato is first in Regulatory Compliance in the 2022-2023 Rule of Law Index of the Word Justice Project As the State offers its procedures and

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Guanajuato is first in Regulatory Compliance in the 2022-2023 Rule of Law Index of the Word Justice Project

As the State offers its procedures and services online more people get used to not going to offices

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Guanajuato/Gto News

Guanajuato is well known for implementing and consolidating innovative public policies that allow citizens to improve their experience when doing procedures or requesting some type of service.

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Arturo Godinez Serrano, Secretary of Transparency and Accountability, said that since the beginning of the current administration, in 2018, the agency in his charge has been working on the constant simplification of government processes, through the use of the technology.

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“This process allows us to advance in the transformation from the physical to the digital and reduce spaces that generate corruption, this facilitates the interaction of the citizen with the government. We seek to make life easier for people and this consolidates us as a digital government”, said Godínez Serrano.

The state comptroller explained that to measure the degree of digitization of the 842 procedures and services included in the State Catalog, they were classified into four levels:

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  • Level 1, Informative: Refers to the data and requirements that are published on the portal: https://tramitesyservicios.guanajuato.gob.mx/#/inicio for consultation
  • Level 2, Download formats: This is the section that integrates the necessary formats to carry out any procedure
  • Level 3, Transactional: It consists of capturing the information, as a first part of the online process
  • Level 4, Online: Operation of the procedure completely online, that is, from end to end
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“The goal of Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo is to position Guanajuato as an innovative state, which is committed to the vanguard, to the digitization of procedures. Our goal is that the procedures and services are at levels 3 and 4”, said Godinez.

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The Official added that currently 65 percent of the procedures can be carried out totally or partially online and it is estimated that this simplification process has a reduction in the economic-social cost of approximately 324 million pesos per year.

Godinez Serrano thanked the work and joint effort of society and government, so that today Guanajuato is consolidated as the first in the country in Regulatory Compliance in the 2022-2023 Rule of Law Index carried out by the Word Justice Project.

Godinez said that the process of administrative simplification is a transversal work in which the different state government agencies participate, which has a direct impact on improving the quality of life of people and their family economy.

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