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Tag: Efficiency

Efficient and conscious use of power is recommended

Efficient and conscious use of power is recommended

From the State Government, through the Ministry of Environment and Territorial Planning, we share some actions that you can adopt at home for the eff [...]
Guanajuato is on the route of the circular economy

Guanajuato is on the route of the circular economy

More than 400 representatives of MSMEs in Guanajuato were trained in the implementation of efficient resource savings with a focus on circular econom [...]
Transparency and efficiency are real in Guanajuato

Transparency and efficiency are real in Guanajuato

Guanajuato enjoys efficient, clear and transparent management in the exercise of public spending Guanajuato/Gto News In the last 30 years, the [...]
Guanajuato committed to protect the environment

Guanajuato committed to protect the environment

The environmental policy of the Government of Guanajuato promotes the linking and promotion of the environmental agenda with the international commun [...]
Guanajuato is consolidated as a digital government

Guanajuato is consolidated as a digital government

Guanajuato is first in Regulatory Compliance in the 2022-2023 Rule of Law Index of the Word Justice Project As the State offers its procedures and [...]
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