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Group brings investments for 13,500 MP for Guanajuato

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Group brings investments for 13,500 MP for Guanajuato

Good results are reported after the work tour to attract investments that a group of Guanajuatense Officials made in Asia The group was led by Gov

Guanajuato attracts investment
Governor announces investment tour of Asia
A Digital Village for artisans

Good results are reported after the work tour to attract investments that a group of Guanajuatense Officials made in Asia

The group was led by Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo

Guanajuato/Gto News

After the Work Tour to Attract Investments in Asia, the Guanajuatense group, led by Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, informed that in total 13,500 million pesos will arrive in Guanajuato in investment with a main focus on Mindfacture (the economy oriented to knowledge).

This investment will create 6,210 new jobs, with good salaries to improve the quality of life of the families in Guanajuato.

The work tour to attract investments started in Japan with a reunion with directors of the NTT Dat company, a world leader in technology and which will increase operations in Leon.

Then came a reunion with Fujita, a company with a long trajectory in Mexico and an important constructor of plants for Mazda and Toyota in Guanajuato.

The Governor of Guanajuato had a reunion with Mexican Ambassador in Japan, Melba Pria, to whom Rodriguez Vallejo thanked for her help in the tour.

Then the group was present in the inauguration of the Mexico and Guanajuato stands at FOODEX, the biggest food fair in Japan.

The group also visited Yusei Holdings, a company specialized in the injection of plastics at high levels of quality, and which has a project to invest in Guanajuato.

In the work tour the group visited the company Nissin Cupo’Noodle to explore future opportunities to invest in Guanajuato.Then the group had work reunions with directors of Nippon Steel Trading, whose officials confirmed an investment in the Apaseos area.

An activity to be noted is the signing of the Declaration of Friendship and Inauguration of the symbolic figure for the 10 years of friendship of Guanajuato and Hiroshima.

In China the Guanajuatense group had a reunion with directors of the Niem Made Norman company who confirmed their project to invest in Leon.

Then came a reunion with representatives of the company IKD, which does research, development, production and sale of cast pieces for automobiles.

Also, the group had talks with directors of the companies HUASHUO and Mingxing, who expressed their interest to develope their projects in Guanajuato.

Governor of Guanajuato, reunited with Mexico’s Ambassador to China, Jesus Meade, to analyze the way to accelerate the process for companies that want to invest in technology and electric cars in Guanajuato.

The group also visited the company Sailun, that manufactures technology for last generation tires and will make an important investment in Irapuato.

The numbers of the work tour:

  • Agreements were made for investments for 13,500 million pesos
  • 6,210 new jobs will be created with these investments
  • 20 productive sectors from Guanajuato were promoted at FOODEX, it is estimated that they will achieve more than 30 million pesos in exportation business with the support of COFOCE
  • Authorities signed the agreement of Sisterhood of Guanajuato and Hiroshima, which will make it possible to have education, cultural, sports and commercial exchange
  • 5 companies expressed their interest in developing new projects of investment in Guanajuato, and work is under way with the Secretary of Economic Sustainable Development to make them possible in the short term
  • The global companies trust in Guanajuato and the Government of the State is using the opportunities that are offered today by Nearshoring, given the connectivity and competitiveness of the education and training ecosystem already operating in Guanajuato

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