Governor meets with members of CANACO-Servytur of Leon Rodriguez Vallejo gives a talk to the directors of the business organization. Da click e
Governor meets with members of CANACO-Servytur of Leon
Rodriguez Vallejo gives a talk to the directors of the business organization.
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Leon/Gto News
Guanajuato will be the epicenter of industry 4.0 in Mexico and Latin America, notes Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo.

Today we are the sixth national economy, thanks to the efforts of society and government, we are a dynamic, productive and job-generating state, the Governor highlighted when presenting the talk, “A Guanajuato with Future and Innovation” to the Board of Directors of the National Chamber of the Commerce, Services and Tourism of Leon -CANACO-Servytur-.

The Governor thanked the invitation to participate in the session of the Board of Directors of the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism of Leon, chaired by Elizabeth Vargas Martin del Campo.
Rodriguez Vallejo in his dialogue with the members of this council, explained how in 30 years, Guanajuato went from being an agricultural economy to an industrial power.

Thirty years ago we had the vision of Guanajuato Siglo XXI that we have now. And today there is a vision of Guanajuato for the next years, which will be that of Industry 4.0 and Mindfacture, noted the Governor.
“Today Guanajuato is the most dynamic automotive cluster in Latin America. We have the assembly plants of General Motors, Hino, Honda, Mazda and Toyota, as well as a Volkswagen engine plant and a Ford transmission plant”, said Rodrguez Vallejo.

And in this industrial transition, said the Governor, the traditional industries of Guanajuato have not been left behind. The leather industry has also been converted and today is a major supplier to the automotive industry.

Rodriguez Vallejo said that a transition towards an economy of knowledge, based on innovation, is being promoted. For this reason, Mindfacture is a public policy in Guanajuato. And innovation is a permanent strategy.
The Governor commented that to innovate you have to generate ideas; break paradigms and barriers, to solve problems. “That’s the Valley of Mindfacture.”

The Governor of Guanajuato listened and responded to various concerns of the members of this business organization, where it was agreed to continue promoting joint actions between government and society for the benefit of Guanajuatenses.
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