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Tag: Servytur

Guanajuato creates important touristic alliances

Guanajuato creates important touristic alliances

The tourism commercial associates will perform actions to promote the tourism brand of Guanajuato SECTUR and CONCANACO SERVYTUR signed a Memorandu [...]
MSMEs are the engine of the economy of Guanajuato

MSMEs are the engine of the economy of Guanajuato

Governor attends the 2nd Business Meeting CANACO Leon "Capitalizing actions into results" Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en esp [...]
Governor presents ‘A Guanajuato with Future and Innovation’

Governor presents ‘A Guanajuato with Future and Innovation’

Governor meets with members of CANACO-Servytur of Leon Rodriguez Vallejo gives a talk to the directors of the business organization. Da click e [...]
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