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‘Confío en ti’ benefits 121 projects

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‘Confío en ti’ benefits 121 projects

Entrepreneurs from 14 municipalities received furniture, machinery, equipment and tools The Guanajuato “Contigo Sí” Strategy supports Guanajuatens

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Entrepreneurs from 14 municipalities received furniture, machinery, equipment and tools

The Guanajuato “Contigo Sí” Strategy supports Guanajuatense entrepreneurs

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Silao/Gto News

The Governor of the State of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, delivered support from the “Confío en ti” Program for the benefit of entrepreneurs from 14 municipalities.


Today we are delivering furniture, machinery, equipment and tools that support the development of 121 productive projects.

They are from municipalities such as:

  • Abasolo, Coroneo, Romita, Silao, Huanimaro, Irapuato, Moroleon, Penjamo, Salamanca, Tarandacuao, Tierra Blanca, Uriangato, Valle de Santiago and Yuriria, said the Governor.
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“The State Government applied an investment of more than 3.3 million pesos in this program, part of the Guanajuato Contigo Si Strategy”, said the Governor.

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With the “Confío en ti” program, Guanajuato residents who want to develop a productive project are supported, and they will create more employment opportunities; “we are generating stories that change the lives of the people of Guanajuato,” said Rodriguez Vallejo.

“We are going to continue benefiting more people with this strategy, the only requirement that is asked of them is that they want to work, that they have a productive idea and they want to start it,” he said.

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“Congratulations to those who receive this support today, and if you have the discipline, you will do well in your projects, we trust you, more work is coming and every effort has its reward and success, congratulations,” said the Governor.

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The event was at the Parque Guanajuato Bicentenario and the Secretary of Social and Human Development, J. Jesus Oviedo Herrera, was also in this event.

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