Category: Travel
Companies show social reponsibility
Emblem ESR 2022 is granted to 109 SandMCs from Guanajuato. Another 28 companies from Aguascalientes and Michoacan also received the badge
For 2 ye [...]
BJXMODA: ‘The Route of Design’ in Moroleon
This year three selected talents are presented within the categories: "City Fashion", "Styling" and "New Cycle"
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FIMODA strengthens competitiveness of MSMEs
A transversal strategy with the Fashion Cluster, CICEG, APIMEX, CANAIVE, CICUR and COFOCE is adopted to professionalize supply development
FIMODA [...]
A miracle for Emmanuel
A baby is born with congenital problems in Penjamo and with his parents he lives an odyssey to be healthy again
Groups of immigrants in the USA un [...]
More military personnel for Guanajuato
One thousand elements of the Mexican Army and Air Force and of the National Guard arrived to strengthen the actions against crime
The Secretary of [...]
A miracle for Emmanuel
A baby born with congenital health problems receives a second opportunity thanks to the persistance of his parents and the support of migrant groups [...]
San Miguel de Allende has a new bridge
La Cieneguita received an investment of more than 82.4 million pesos
The Governor annouced more infrastructure for SMA
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Mindfacture helps in marginalized areas
Knowledge not only generates valuable technology, products, processes and services, it also enables social development.
Governor presented the Pan [...]
A miracle in Los Angeles
Emmanuel, a baby born in Penjamo lives an odyssey to go over the health problems he was born with and which almost take away his life
His health [...]
Best supply of medicine in Mexico
Guanajuato marks the difference in the supply of medicines, doubling the national average
The Guanajuato Health System is kept as the best in Mexi [...]