Category: Travel
Protect yourself against cold
Low temperatures increase the possibility of getting sick and with the arrival of a cold air mass the possibilities mutiply
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INAEBA invites paisanos to complete school
By passing a single exam migrants and their relatives can obtain their official certificate of basic education
The Education withouth Borders prog [...]
Guanajuato promotes human dignity
Global Dignity grants recognition to the work Guanajuato does as a promoter state through JuventudEsGTO that exalts the dignity of Guanajuatenses
NASA designing highways for air-taxis
Tabletop exercises allow researchers to explore options and test scenarios in fields from military strategy and cybersecurity to disaster response pl [...]
Guanajuato first place in attention to illiteracy
More than 55,000 people learned to read, write and completed primary and secondary education with INAEBA
The state agency exceeds the annual goal [...]
Happy Holidays from Gto News
On these days at Gto News we wish to send a mesage of peace, love and calm to our readers.
We wish that all your wishes come true and that hop [...]
Poems Everybody!
“Adiós a la cantora”
Lorena Erpel
Arriba en el universo
Hay bailes y un gran festejo
Porque la abuela cantora
Deja el cuerpo y ya reto [...]
Cold hits Guanajuato
The temperature could drop below 0°C. The State Coordination of Civil Protection of Guanajuato asks citizens to take extreme precautions and stay in [...]
Tower of Specialties is closer
An investment of more than 116.3 million pesos is used in its construction in Irapuato
It will be completed in August 2023, according to the works [...]
Syncytial, influenza and Covid 19 viruses return
Hundreds of new cases have been registered in Guanajuato since October to this date
Authorities advice all to reinforce awareness and self care