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Category: The State

This is happening in the State of Guanajuato

1 234 235 236 237 238 246 2360 / 2459 POSTS
‘IDEA GTO’, creativity and entrepreneurship

‘IDEA GTO’, creativity and entrepreneurship

The Institute of Innovation, Science and Entrepreneurship for Competitiveness of the State was presented The human capital of Guanajuato will be s [...]
‘Direct’, the Hot Air Balloon Festival

‘Direct’, the Hot Air Balloon Festival

You will be able to watch online, live and for free the magic of The International Virtual Balloon Festival The new form of the Balloon Festival w [...]
“Live Great Stories”

“Live Great Stories”

The Government of Guanajuato launches a campaign to reactivate tourism in the State Officials during the launching of the campaign With this ne [...]
Independence celebrations

Independence celebrations

Two iconic places of Guanajuato are all ready and dressed in tri-color ornaments to celebrate Dolores Hidalgo, "The Craddle of the Independence" [...]
VW electrifies Leon

VW electrifies Leon

The German company will operate in Leon pilot tests of its new electric units for freight and transport of personnel Officials at the VW event [...]
Trend Zero, a success

Trend Zero, a success

The virtual event reaches twice its participants of 2019 Tendencia Cero by Apimex aims high More participants went into the app of Tendencia Ce [...]
SMA: “We are here standing”

SMA: “We are here standing”

Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo announces more infrastructure and actions for the Eastern municipality The announcement was made from the Angela Pe [...]
Your Moment is Now: Foro GO

Your Moment is Now: Foro GO

Guanajuato is the epicenter of digital transformation of MiPyMes with the Forum Go 2020 From November 11th to 13th 2020 more than 5 thousand e [...]
A glimpse at Tierra de Luz

A glimpse at Tierra de Luz

From Leon, Guanajuato, the wine world has the joy of savoring some of the tastiest wines in the market, and more are coming soon!!!!!! A wonderful [...]
ITM, The Hannover Messe in Mexico

ITM, The Hannover Messe in Mexico

Poliforum in Leon, Guanajuato will be the virtual headquarters of the ITM2020 Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo at the launching of the ITM 2020 Hann [...]
1 234 235 236 237 238 246 2360 / 2459 POSTS