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Category: The State

This is happening in the State of Guanajuato

1 198 199 200 201 202 245 2000 / 2446 POSTS
‘Taste of Guanajuato’ for export

‘Taste of Guanajuato’ for export

A trade mission traveled to Dallas and Chicago with the participation of agencies of the Government of Guanajuato The group promotes Agro-Food pro [...]
New Social Strategy ‘Guanajuato, Contigo Sí’

New Social Strategy ‘Guanajuato, Contigo Sí’

Humanism is the route for people to improve their quality of life: Diego Sinhue. ‘Guanajuato Contigo Sí’ actions start in the 10 de Mayo sector of [...]
Guanajuato in the Top 3 with best Rule of Law

Guanajuato in the Top 3 with best Rule of Law

The World Justice Project announces that Guanajuato is also in first national place in Openness in Government, Civil Justice and Regulatory Complianc [...]
SDES launches ecosystem “Fashion Industry GTO”

SDES launches ecosystem “Fashion Industry GTO”

Economic Development promotes an ecosystem of the fashion industry The goal is to create local companies that are competitive in the world Da c [...]
IEC collects the history of Cervantino

IEC collects the history of Cervantino

The State Institute of Culture is asking Guanajuatenses to share their works and objects related to the Cervantino Festival The Institute is prepa [...]
Mindfacture that impacts

Mindfacture that impacts

The program promoted by the Government of Guanajuato brings benefits to guanajuatenses The Mindfacture Nodes are showing results and is already im [...]
Expo Nopal aims to global markets

Expo Nopal aims to global markets

Organizers expect more than 6 thousand visitors for this edition More than 90 exhibitors are participating in this Expo Da click en el link al [...]
COFOCE and Alibaba join for exports

COFOCE and Alibaba join for exports

A collaboration agreement was signed to benefit exporting companies in Guanajuato Both will promote the first multi-product store in the Construct [...]
A District Leon MX for the whole year

A District Leon MX for the whole year

It is envisioned as a complex that will have an offer of events for the 365 days of the year The norm is promoted to detonate the area of the Fair [...]
Fitch Ratings grants Guanajuato a high grade

Fitch Ratings grants Guanajuato a high grade

For the fourth year Guanajuato is granted the highest rating of 'AAA' on a national scale The rating is based on the excellent budgetary performan [...]
1 198 199 200 201 202 245 2000 / 2446 POSTS