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Category: Leon

1 19 20 21 22 23 44 210 / 438 POSTS
Leon is Champion!

Leon is Champion!

“We have it, it is ours, we are Champions! A movie-like Champion. We are going to the World Clubs Cup! You suffered it, you worked for it, yo [...]
From Guanajuato: ‘Messages for Peace’

From Guanajuato: ‘Messages for Peace’

Guanajuato is the epicenter of messages of peace for Mexico and Latin America: Secretary of Government Greatness of Mexico award given to journali [...]
‘Summit of Journalism for Peace’ in Leon Guanajuato

‘Summit of Journalism for Peace’ in Leon Guanajuato

Opinion leaders present in Leon proposals and decision-making towards a better social direction, based on information and aiming for peace Da clic [...]
More than 100 labels at Tinto Bajio Festival

More than 100 labels at Tinto Bajio Festival

Tinto Bajio began in 2014 and it has positioned itself as an event with tradition in Leon The event is on june 10 and 11, SECTUR strengthens the s [...]
Forum ‘A Thousand Young for Peace’ is inaugurated

Forum ‘A Thousand Young for Peace’ is inaugurated

Let's make an effort to convey what we want other people to feel positive about us: Alan Marquez Becerra Da click en el link al final de la nota p [...]
From Guanajuato, ‘Voices for peace’

From Guanajuato, ‘Voices for peace’

"Today we welcome international personalities and leaders who will share their experience to promote a culture of peace," said the Secretary of Gover [...]
Guanajuato presents Voices for Peace

Guanajuato presents Voices for Peace

Leon will host the 1st. Ibero-American Voices for Peace Meeting and the 1st. Ibero-American Meeting of Journalism for Peace on June 1, 2 an [...]
‘The People’s Painter’ at the Fenal 34

‘The People’s Painter’ at the Fenal 34

Raquel Tibol's book on Hermenegildo Bustos is presented at Fenal The 1981 edition is re-launched by ediciones La Rana Da click en el link al fi [...]
Investors trust in Guanajuato

Investors trust in Guanajuato

The Governor inaugurated the Dynatect Plant, that manufactures rolling doors, handles and "accordions" for articulated buses The US company with p [...]
Now operating Hospital CAISES Leon

Now operating Hospital CAISES Leon

20 million pesos were invested to remodel the place that will be operating instead of the Hospital at Miguel Aleman SSG announces that the the old [...]
1 19 20 21 22 23 44 210 / 438 POSTS