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Category: Business

1 138 139 140 141 142 222 1400 / 2220 POSTS
Ogier, the greatest winner of Rally Mexico

Ogier, the greatest winner of Rally Mexico

The French pilot stands as the greatest winner in History of Rally Mexico as he won for the seventh time this Sunday in Guanajuato Da click en el [...]
SEDENA reinforces security in Guanajuato

SEDENA reinforces security in Guanajuato

500 elements of the National Guard arrived in Guanajuato to strengthen Public Security Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en españo [...]
<strong>Archaeological sites are ready for visitors</strong>

Archaeological sites are ready for visitors

Actvities are already programmed to celebrate the arrival of Spring at the archaeological zones of Guanajuato Da click en el link al final de la n [...]
Speed and excitement are back

Speed and excitement are back

Finally the passion and dust came back as the best pilots of the world passed by with their cars in the World Rally Championship Guanajuato Mexico. [...]
<strong>Public security is a priority</strong>

Public security is a priority

The First Regional Seminar of the Commission for Law Enforcement Agencies -CALEA- Mexico is held in Guanajuato Participants analyze the best pract [...]
NASA presents the spacesuit for Artemis III

NASA presents the spacesuit for Artemis III

The Artemis III spacesuit prototype, the AxEMU. Though the prototype uses a dark gray cover material, the final version will likely be all-white when [...]
Guanajuato to be highlighted at San Marcos Fair

Guanajuato to be highlighted at San Marcos Fair

It is a pleasure to be able to show the historical, cultural and artistic wealth of Guanajuato in this event of great national and international rele [...]
Purisima celebrates 150 years of La Judea

Purisima celebrates 150 years of La Judea

The Judea purimense was performed for the first time in 1872. The protagonist of this tradition is the most hated and repudiated traitor of the Catho [...]
Wanted: Artists from Guanajuato

Wanted: Artists from Guanajuato

The State Culture Institute summons artists from Guanajuato to participate in the 51st edition of the International Cervantino Festival Da click e [...]
Wolf-Rayet 124: A prelude of Supernova

Wolf-Rayet 124: A prelude of Supernova

The luminous, hot star Wolf-Rayet 124 (WR 124) is prominent at the center of the James Webb Space Telescope’s composite image combining near-infrared [...]
1 138 139 140 141 142 222 1400 / 2220 POSTS