Author: gtonewsc
I am a web developer who is working as a freelancer. I am living in Saigon, a crowded city of Vietnam. I am promoting for

‘Living Planet’ at Bicentennial Park
You are invited to discover more than 100 rescued and preserved pieces that are part of the cultural heritage of Guanajuato
The exhibit has the pu [...]

‘Fulfill your dreams and achieve your goals’
The dancer from Guadalajara, Isaac Hernandez, offered a motivational talk to high school students
The Artist thanked the Governor, Diego Sinhue Ro [...]

Congress for Empowerment of Youth has started
Spaces for youth participation are generated and with knowledge, reflection and dialogue the youth are empowered as agents of change
Guanajuato ha [...]

Celebration for 200 Years of a Free and Sovereign Guanajuato
Governor presides over the installation of the State Celebrations Commission. They will be held from June 2023 to June 2024
Citizens and organized [...]

Graduates recognized in Excellence and Academic Merit SABES 2023
Recognition is granted not only for their academic average, but also for their values and way of life during their academic development
632 awar [...]

Tequila Festival is celebrated in Huanimaro
Huanimaro is one of the 7 municipalities in Guanajuato to have a Certificate gof Origin for Tequila
Guanajuato has a record of more than 36 thousa [...]

Governor inaugurates 5th National Meeting of MIPYMES
Here in Guanajuato we support businessmen, who are the engine of the country's economic development: Governor
Da click en el link al final de la n [...]

Recognized, excellence of graduates of TecNM Purisima
The National Association of Faculties and Schools of Engineering -ANFEI- recognizes excellence of graduates of the TecNM Campus Purisima del Rincon

The ‘Descargue Estrella’ in Leon is remodeled
The Governor of Guanajuato delivers rehabilitation works in the fresh produce sale center in Leon
You already know me, the word is fulfilled just [...]

SIGO GTO is now all over Guanajuato
Guanajuato consolidates as a national leader and pioneer as it launches a private transport and taxi application
With the App there is a fair comp [...]