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All invited to consume local productos

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All invited to consume local productos

Buying what is produced in Guanajuato strengthens and reactivates the internal economy With sales the jobs of entrepreneurial families of Guanajua

Compliance with labor law is verified
COFOCE: 30 years taking more Guanajuato to the world
Companies show social reponsibility

Buying what is produced in Guanajuato strengthens and reactivates the internal economy

With sales the jobs of entrepreneurial families of Guanajuato are preserved

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Irapuato/Gto News

Privileging local consumption to strengthen the internal market of Guanajuato, is one of the main strategies for economic reactivation, on these dates Guanajuatenses are called to purchase local products.


The competitiveness of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises -MIPYMES- is one of the priorities of the economic policy of Governor of Guanajuato Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo for the growth of Guanajuato.

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The head of the Secretary for Sustainable Economic Development –SDES-, Ramon Alfaro Gomez said that by promoting local companies, the internal market is strengthened and improved, which allows Guanajuato businessmen to preserve their jobs.

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Consumers can shop online at the official ‘MarcaGTO’ store of Mercado Libre at:

  • tienda.mercadolibre.com.mx/compragto

Also at the 16 points of sale that can be found at:

  • marcaguanajuato.mx/puntos-de- venta
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For those who visit Guanajuato City and other cities in Guanajuato on these days you will find hundreds of ‘Gto Brand’ products from handicrafts, food, textiles-clothing, leather-shoes, among other.

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Products made in Guanajuato have positioned themselves in the preference of consumers nationally and internationally thanks to their high quality, the customer experience at the time of purchase, their freshness and their processes, many of them handmade.

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Alfaro Gomez explained that the goal is to generate a virtuous circle in which the economic spill and wealth stay and circulate in the State so that companies can consolidate and continue growing for an economic recovery.

In addition to the economic benefit, the promotion of local consumption creates a more sustainable internal market, stimulates trade, allows the preservation of traditions, pride and the identity of Guanajuato.

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