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A program to keep Guanajuatenses in school

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A program to keep Guanajuatenses in school

The program Your Career to the Future is a strategy that has the goal of keeping students in the high school level Acambaro/Gto News “Your Care

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The program Your Career to the Future is a strategy that has the goal of keeping students in the high school level

Acambaro/Gto News

“Your Career to the Future”, is a strategy of the Regional Delegation VII of Acambaro, which seeks to show the more than 7 thousand students who graduate from secondary school in the region the education offer of high schools.

These actions are carried out in secondary schools in the municipalities that correspond to the Acambaro Education Region VII:

  • Salvatierra, Coroneo, Jerecuaro, Tarandacuao, Jaral del Progreso, Santiago Maravatio, Yuriria, Uriangato and Moroleon

The aim of these visits is to bring high school education institutions closer so that graduating students have options close to their place of origin regarding this education offer and thus migrate to higher secondary education, ensuring the permanence of these students in the educational system.

Veronica Orozco, Regional Delegate for Education, reflected on these actions and on showing the education offer of the region so that students leave more motivated to know which path to take. “Your Career to the Future will allow you to identify the competencies, skills, knowledge and aptitudes that are necessary so that from now on they can focus on what they want to study because this way you increase your job opportunities and the possibility of accessing better jobs”, said Orozco.

With the implementation of this strategy, the Regional Delegation of Education VII works so that the more than 7 thousand students who graduate from high school reinforce their vocation in one of these high schools.

In this first exhibition in Acambaro were high school offer from:

  • Bachillerato SABES, CONALEP, CECYTE, Colegio Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez, Preparatoria Miguel Hidalgo and Telebachilleratos UVEG

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