The municipality of Leon expects an economic benefit of more than 500 million pesos and more than 700,000 visitors Da click en el link al final de
The municipality of Leon expects an economic benefit of more than 500 million pesos and more than 700,000 visitors
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Leon/Gto News
On behalf of the Governor, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, the Secretary of Government, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo led the inauguration of the 2022 Summer Festival with municipal authorities.

For this edition from July 29 to August 14, activities and services for fun and family life will be presented, an economic spending of more than 500 million pesos and more than 700 thousand visitors are expected in Leon.
Admission to the Summer Festival will be free for the benefit of Leon families and visitors.

“Today this Festival becomes that window that shows Mexico and our state, the great possibilities we have when we team up, when we work hand in hand”, said Garcia Muñoz Ledo.

“We have in Leon the best Fair in Mexico, the Family Fair, and today this Summer Festival is added to that tourist and recreation offer, these premises that belong to the Guanajuatenses, premises that help us live together as a family,” said the Government Secretary.

“Let’s enjoy this festival together, it belongs to the Guanajuatenses, let’s take advantage of this recreation space with the family and with the children who are already on vacation”, said the State Official.

“Our wish is that it becomes a very successful Summer Festival, that we continue to team up with the Municipality and the State Government, because what makes Leon great today is its people, we want to continue seeing this city always active and vibrant, we want to continue seeing the families united around events like this, we want to continue enjoying the Greatness of Leon”, said Munoz Ledo.

In this event, 60% of the activities will be free, and they will occur in the Poliforum Leon, Distrito MX, the Explora Science Center and the Cultural Forum, always maintaining the health protection actions.

In addition, more than 250 exhibitors are present, and the Gto Brand Pavilion stands out with products and services of Guanajuatense entrepreneurs that are being offered.

Go to the Summer Festival 2022 website at:
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