The INFOSPE Board of Directors holds its Second Ordinary Session 2024 and presents results Guanajuato Puerto Interior/Gto News The Board of Dir
The INFOSPE Board of Directors holds its Second Ordinary Session 2024 and presents results
Guanajuato Puerto Interior/Gto News
The Board of Directors of the Public Security Training Institute -INFOSPE- virtually held its Second Ordinary Session in this year, to follow up on the previously established topics on the agenda.

With all the formalities, the work session was held virtually and chaired by the Secretary of Public Security of Guanajuato, Alvar Cabeza de Vaca Appendini, as the President of the Board of Directors of INFOSPE, thanking the council members for their participation.
As part of the agenda, the various training programs for public security forces in the state of Guanajuato were unanimously approved.

In one of the points, training through the Fund for Contributions to Public Security -FASP- was also approved with the vote of all members of the Board of Directors, where some of the topics for training include work such as:
- Basic Competencies of the Police Function
- Evaluations of Basic Competencies of the Police Function
- Police weapons and shooting
- Community policing with a gender perspective, among other
- The goal is to train 1,350 police officers
Participants also approved training through the fund called FOFISP, aimed especially at operational personnel of the State Public Security Forces.
This training is focuded towards topics such as:
- Criminal analysis and investigation products
- Specialization course for members of cyber police units; among other

The Training Program for this year was unanimously approved, within the Fund for the Strengthening of Municipal Public Security, through which INFOSPE will provide training to the elements of the public security forces of the 46 municipalities.
Also as part of the agenda the Report on Academic Training Activities corresponding to the first quarter of 2024 was presented, with the following report:
- Open High School: 262 students in classrooms
- Bachelor’s Degree in Public Security: 89 enrolled
- Bachelor’s degree in Criminology: 18 enrolled
- Bachelor of Laws with a focus on Criminal Sciences: 9 enrolled
- Master’s Degree in Criminal Policy: 20 enrolled
- Master’s Degree in Criminalistics: 24 enrolled

The State Public Security Training Institute serves a total of 160 enrolled people through its academic offering.
The Second Ordinary Session was chaired by the Secretary of Public Security of the State Alvar Cabeza de Vaca Appendini, with the presence and participation of citizen councilors Laura Torres Septien and Cesar Raymundo Gomez Garcia and virtually participating were State and City Officials.