Comprehensive water management and efficiency is the key to achieve water sustainability. By now in August 2024 it has rained more in Guanajuato than
Comprehensive water management and efficiency is the key to achieve water sustainability. By now in August 2024 it has rained more in Guanajuato than in all of 2023
Guanajuato/Gto News
In Guanajuato there has currently been rainfall that on average to date accumulates 460.82 millimeters, which has allowed the vast majority of the main dams in the State to average 75 percent of water collection.

Among the main bodies of water that are monitored in terms of storage level, the following stand out:
- Tepuxtepec Dam, Solis Dam, Yuriria Lagoon, Ignacio Allende Dam, La Purisima Dam, el Palote, La Soledad, La Esperanza, Mata, La Golondrina, Penuelitas, Barrial and El Realito

The level of rain until August already exceeds the amount rained throughout 2023, which was 454 millimeters.
The above contributes and is an integral part of the work that the State Government, via the State Water Commission, promotes for water conservation and water sustainability.

An example of this is the work that has been developed for the water sustainability of Guanajuato through some guidelines such as an increase in physical efficiency, water reuse, new technologies to reduce consumption, emphasizing that the goal is the efficiency, since, if it is consolidated in all municipalities to have 70 percent efficiency, with that percentage it is possible to achieve sustainability by the year 2050.

Additionally, a comprehensive work is consolidated by all those who are involved in the management of the water of all the different users, seeking an adequate and efficient use of the vital liquid so that there is water with quality, in quantity and timeliness.
Thus, actions and strategies continue to be generated that let us to be the guide and the path to make Guanajuato sustainable.