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Women from San Jose Iturbide have an Institute

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Women from San Jose Iturbide have an Institute

The Secretary heads the inauguration of the San Jose Iturbide Municipal Institute for Women Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en e

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The Secretary heads the inauguration of the San Jose Iturbide Municipal Institute for Women

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San Jose Iturbide/Gto News

During her work tour of the northeast of Guanajuato, secretary Libia Dennise led the inauguration of the new San José Iturbide Municipal Institute for Women, “Cindy (Arvizu) welcomes that, as a woman, as the mayoress of this municipality, today the message is clear about work for women, to promote everything that makes us grow and of course to eradicate all kinds of violence,” said Libia the head of SEDESHU.

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The Municipal President Cindy Arvizu pointed out that this work is a dream that has materialized, after launching the “Juntas Podemos” program at the local level on March 9, and that its objective is to empower women and give them the tools through of courses and workshops to start their own businesses.

On behalf of the women beneficiaries, Araceli highlighted that the new institute is a very pleasant space where new friends are made and they have the support of many women when they need it most, “I have seen this space above all from that part, to have friendship with our same neighbors, from the same town and that we can support each other as women”.

Secretary Libia Dennise pointed out that “the invitation is for this network to grow, to help us invite more women, the greatest support network a woman has are other women, that we have each other as allies; Also count on us from the State Government to continue teaming up, together we can go further!, said Libia Dennise.

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