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Wanted: Artists from Guanajuato

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Wanted: Artists from Guanajuato

The State Culture Institute summons artists from Guanajuato to participate in the 51st edition of the International Cervantino Festival Da click e

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The State Culture Institute summons artists from Guanajuato to participate in the 51st edition of the International Cervantino Festival

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Guanajuato/Gto News

From October 13 to 29, the 51st edition of the International Cervantino Festival will be held, for which the Call for Guanajuato Artists has been launched, so that Guanajuatense professionals in arts join the so-called “Fiesta del espíritu”.


Organized by the State Institute of Culture and the International Cervantino Festival, this year Guanajuato artists with a recognized verifiable career of at least seven years in the fields of dance, theater, music and interdisciplinary will be able to participate.

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The call, which closes on March 24, contemplates the selection of up to 10 proposals, which must be registered electronically using the form provided by the organizers.

A dossier is requested with the general identification and contact information of the participating artists or groups, as well as a curricular profile, synopsis of the proposal, credits of the creatives involved and technical requirements.

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Those interested must provide high-quality photographs of the artists and show and link to a video recording of their act; as well as document the necessary authorial and creative permits or authorizations and compliance with their tax obligations.

Some projects from Guanajuato participating in the most recent edition of Cervantino were: Sindy Gutierrez and Paa’x Kaay, the Mushamukas Double Bajos Ensemble, Teatro de los Suenos, Luis Herman Miranda, the Lola Lince Experimental Dance Company and the stage-musical show “I sing you a story”.

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The results will be notified by email as of April 17, 2023.

The complete call is available at:

  • cultura.guanajuato.gob.mx

More information, questions or clarifications at: 

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