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UVEG serves the migrant community

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UVEG serves the migrant community

Staff works for migrants to be able to complete or continue their academic studies UVEG was present at the National Meeting of Migrant Leaders

UVEG celebrates Graduation 2022
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UVEG and Guanajuato bring opportunity to study

Staff works for migrants to be able to complete or continue their academic studies

UVEG was present at the National Meeting of Migrant Leaders

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Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

The Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato –UVEG- was with Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo at the National Meeting with Migrant Leaders, held in Los Angeles, California, to bring quality education opportunities to everyone, regardless of their geographic location.

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In the event headed by Governor Diego Sinhue, Service Fairs for the migrant community were held both in Casa Bella -in Anaheim-, and in the Gto-Los Angeles Liaison Office -in Los Angeles, California-, where UVEG joined other government agencies to provide information and advice on procedures and services.

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UVEG provided the migrant community with detailed information on the educational options available, as well as the flexibility of the educational model and the low cost, in order to support them in completing or continuing their academic studies. This as part of the agreement made between SMEI, INAEBA, SEG and UVEG, as well as to contribute to the mission of bringing “More Guanajuato to the world”.

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UVEG reaffirms its commitment to be close to Guanajuatenses in their places of destination and transit, as well as to contribute a higher level of professional development and the achievement of significant life projects.

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UVEG invites all of the Guanajuatenses to share with their friends and family living in the United States the opportunity to continue their studies with the Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato.

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