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UVEG celebrates graduation of 2,028 students

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UVEG celebrates graduation of 2,028 students

They had the first generation graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Pedagogy, Computer Systems Engineering and a Master's Degree in Health 63% of

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Success of 2,587 UVEG graduates is celebrated

They had the first generation graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Pedagogy, Computer Systems Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Health

63% of the enrollment is from Guanajuato

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Guanajuato/Gto News

The Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato –UVEG- held for the first time since the start of the pandemic, the in person Graduation Ceremony, in which 2,028 students completed their studies.

Clases master

The celebration took place in the Auditorium of Guanajuato City. A total of 445 women and men were in the ceremony and, now, advanced in their academic training through the different programs offered by UVEG.

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“Congratulations, feel proud, for all the effort you put into it. You are what Guanajuato and Mexico need. We are in the ideal place, in this University that has been recognized by UNESCO”, said the Mayor of the city, Alejandro Navarro Saldana, in his welcome message.

The graduates are from 31 States of Mexico, including Guanajuato, being this the State with the highest number of students, with 1,275.

“No one knows better than you what it meant to get to this day. Governor Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo celebrates this achievement since the UVEG is breaking borders. Guanajuato is the Greatness of Mexico”, said Aldelmo Emmanuel Israel Reyes Pablo, Undersecretary of mid Higher and Superior Education, representing the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo.

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The Governor sent a message to the education community, where he recognized this house of studies as one of the best virtual universities in Mexico.

“Our State and your families are proud of this great achievement that you have fulfilled today. I invite you to continue applying the knowledge you have acquired and your professionalism for the good of society”, said the Governor.

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By education level the graduates are:

  • 1,111 baccalaureate students
  • 499 Professional Majors
  • 418 Masters

“In Guanajuato we are sure that education is the key that opens all the doors of development, that is why today, we are not only a tourist, cultural, industrial destination, but also an education one. For 30 years, this State has evolved in many aspects and in an accelerated way, but it is also the product of long-term public policies.


I thank the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, for the great impulse he has given to the UVEG”, said Master Ricardo Narvaez Martinez, head of the UVEG, in his message of protest to the graduates of Professional Majors and Masters.


“Studying online brings many benefits, such as flexibility and accessibility, but mainly, time control so that each one of us can dedicate ourselves to advancing at one’s own pace. I am very grateful and I am proudly UVEG”, said Brenda Yasbel Olvera Nava, who graduated with the first generation of the Graduate in Pedagogy, who spoke on behalf of the student community.

During the protocol ceremony, the young student, was recognized with an honorable mention in the degree program in the virtual modality thanks to her academic performance.

The student of the master’s degree in Education with a Focus on Innovation in Teaching Practice, Armando Fabricio Arredondo, received double congratulations; in the categories of Honorable Mention and Academic Excellence.

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Distribution of graduates by State of Mexico: 

  • Guanajuato 1275, Mexico 126, Mexico City 98, Queretaro 83, Jalisco 67, Michoacan 44, Hidalgo 34, Veracruz 27, Nuevo Leon 24, Oaxaca 19, Baja California 17, Puebla 17, Chihuahua 16, San Luis Potosi 16, Tamaulipas 15, Yucatan 15, Chiapas 14, Quintana Roo 14, Aguascalientes 12, Sonora 10, Tabasco 10, Tlaxcala 10, Morelos 9, Coahuila 8, Baja California Sur 6, Guerrero 6, Sinaloa 5, Zacatecas 5, Durango 4, Campeche 3, Colima 2, Nayarit 1, for a total of 2012
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Graduates in Mexico: 2012

Graduates outside of Mexico: 16

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