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UVEG celebrates 15th anniversary

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UVEG celebrates 15th anniversary

Authorities, collaborators and experts meet in the UVEG headquarters All celebrate international reach with their virtual classrooms Da click e

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Authorities, collaborators and experts meet in the UVEG headquarters

All celebrate international reach with their virtual classrooms

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Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

The Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato [UVEG] was host of the Panel “UVEG: challenges and perspectives of virtual education” that brought together expert voices of online education, during which the Rector Ricardo Narvaez spoke with the previous Rectors regarding the trajectory of this education house that has scaled internationally reaching up to 300,000 users.

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Rosalio Munoz Castro, Mauricio Mokarzel and Guadalupe Valenzuela Rios shared with the student community their visions and experiences during their administrations, which provide an enriching panorama for reflection and analysis for the continuous improvement of UVEG.

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Jorge Enrique Hernandez Meza, Secretary of Education , addressed collaborators and students:

“There are 31 states and 84 countries that benefit from this house of studies. Let us remember that while other institutions were looking for ways to approach their students virtually, UVEG already has 15 years of experience in generating quality education content, therefore, it is a strategic technological pillar for students who want to study at a high level. For those who were not going to study, or those who did not have a university nearby, or those who had dropped out, in the name of all the people who have improved their lives thanks to UVEG.”

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Ricardo Narvaez Martinez, current Rector of the UVEG, expressed his appreciation for the effort and actions that have driven this institution, confirming his commitment:

“This is an opportunity to give UVEG the well-deserved recognition. In addition to memories, we face the great challenges that we have in the future. Today we have a universe of about 155,000 active students at this university, among the virtual high school programs, higher university technician, bachelor’s, engineering, master’s and doctorate programs, in addition to continuing education programs. I would like to thank and offer a great applause to the previous Governors, Juan Manuel Oliva and Miguel Marquez Marquez, as well as the current Governor, Diego Sinhue, since without them these achievements would not have been possible. It is a great pride to head this university, but also a great responsibility.”

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Roberto Garcia Urbano, Municipal President of Purisima del Rincon, the city where the UVEG headquarter is located, addressed the community saying:

“Today is a reason to celebrate in our municipality for these 15 years of the UVEG. It has been a long journey for all the directors and staff who have made this institution great at an international level. We are happy to celebrate your effort and we are eager to work together and provide the people of our municipality, our state and our country with a quality education.”

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Jesus Oviedo Herrera, Secretary of Social and Human Development greeted the education community while extending an invitation to continue joining efforts:

“It is a pleasure to be in this historical moment and with personalities who have left their mark in favor of education, since it is one of the main objectives and great challenge of the program Guanajuato Contigo Si. We add through the Social Pact for Education that works for the benefit of even more people; this university has been growing and is an example, therefore, we must stay close to provide support. We want people to help people and UVEG must be an entity that helps spread these goals with its great reach.”

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The former deans mentioned how at the beginning there was a lot of resistance to change in society that only perceived education in face-to-face classrooms; in the same way, the implementation of programs that responded to the most demanded profiles by the productive sectors, the massive attention through virtual classrooms and the consolidation of this house of education as a national reference for its Education Model centered on the student; these are some of the factors that add to the great potential of UVEG, which not only works online but also serves the 364 Community Telebachilleratos distributed throughout Guanajuato.

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