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Use the opportunity and collaborate: Santillana

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Use the opportunity and collaborate: Santillana

The 9th. Industry 4.0 and Technological Convergence Seminar is held and organized by the School of Higher Studies, Leon ENES-UNAM Logistics is pos

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The 9th. Industry 4.0 and Technological Convergence Seminar is held and organized by the School of Higher Studies, Leon ENES-UNAM

Logistics is positioned as a key element to be considered in global markets

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Silao/Gto News

“Given the consequences caused by the Covid pandemic and the geopolitical tensions that are currently observed logistics is taking a relevant place in the competitiveness of an industry, a region or of a nation”, said Hector Lopez Santillana, general director of Guanajuato Puerto Interior in the 9th. Industry 4.0 and Technological Convergence Seminar organized by the School of Higher Studies, León unit ENES-UNAM.


Faced with this changing situation in terms of logistics, Guanajuato has several fundamental challenges such as:

  • Achieving the articulation of all logistics components
  • Develop new routes in air cargo transportation
  • Improving rail mobility through the creation of a new rail cargo intermodal in Celaya, among other
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Hector Lopez Santillana talked to students and teaching staff that make up the academic community of UNAM, about how this new reality that we are experiencing in Mexico -the changes in geopolitics- is generating an environment of innovation and new opportunities for industry and commerce.

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Santillana said that the person or industry that has the ability to reach the markets in less time, lower cost and greater security is the one that will be the important player in this new economy.

He estimated that the Nearshoring phenomenon will cause the volume of cargo in Guanajuato to increase by at least 50% in the next five years, which would further complicate the issue of transportation through the only route that is Laredo and the risk of losing large opportunities.


Specifically on the issue of Guanajuato, the director of Guanajuato Puerto Interior pointed out that a cargo volume of 19.4 million tons per year is generated in the state  (information from 2021). The important thing to note is that this number grew by almost 53% from 2021 to 2022; Santillana said that this real-time information is important because it allows us to notice our immediate needs and design and implement measures to ensure that our commercial arteries flow naturally and fast so as not to hinder development 

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Of these almost 20 million tons of cargo:

  • More than 13 million move to the north
  • Five million to the maritime part
  • To the south of Mexico -rest of Latin America- 0.976 million tons

Regarding the issue of rail mobility, Santillana pointed out that Guanajuato is working on the design of a project to develop a new rail freight intermodal in Celaya, (near the Honda company), the great opportunity would be to create this specialized infrastructure to be able to move the cargo to the markets.

Guanajuato processes 10 million tons of grain a year, of which the state produces only two million tons, the rest, or eight tons, is imported or transported from other parts of the country.

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Santillana considered that logistics is the main factor of competitiveness today, it is no longer the cost of manufacturing a product or its quality, but it has to do with the need to articulate efforts to reach the market.

“In this regard, there is a new regional and global environment that is going to be up to you -the young graduates- to direct it and take advantage of its opportunities”, said Santillana. 

Clases master

He compared the moment that we are experiencing to that of a great wave that confronts us and of which there are only three options:

  • Either you get out of the wave
  • Or you face it standing on the shoreline and try to resist the onslaught of the wave
  • Or like the surfer, you develop your board to suit your needs and swim towards the wave, taking advantage of its energy to go further
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Given the changes in global trade, the goal should be to digitally integrate all corridors in this demand chain to achieve efficiencies and solve problems collaboratively.

He pointed out that the premise of past generations was competition, which is what we were taught to compete against each other, now the key to solving the risks that arise is collaboration. 

The vision of the new young people should be this, collaboration in a multidisciplinary way.

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