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United for the protection of Monarch Butterfly

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United for the protection of Monarch Butterfly

With the participation of mayors and representatives of 25 municipalities of Guanajuato among them Purisima del Rincon and Leon, Authorities assumed

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With the participation of mayors and representatives of 25 municipalities of Guanajuato among them Purisima del Rincon and Leon, Authorities assumed the commitment to preserve the migratory route of the monarch butterfly, as well as the dissemination of knowledge and conservation of pollinating species and native plants

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Jerecuaro/Gto News

The sum of actions and commitments between the State and the municipalities in the conservation of natural resources, allows the preservation of ecosystems and the flora and fauna that inhabits it.


This was highlighted by Marisa Ortiz Mantilla, head of the Ministry of Environment and Territorial Planning -SMAOT-, during the signing of the agreement ‘ The municipalities of Guanajuato for the Conservation of the Monarch Migration Route’ in which she highlighted the importance of pollination for the life of the planet and its inhabitants.

The food we produce and consume depends 80% on pollination, hence its importance.

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“For the State Government, it is a priority to work with its municipalities to preserve this migratory route, which is why we have made an effort since the Secretary was established and we have followed up on the guidelines that the Governor himself has promoted”, said the Secretary.

“In the last 4 and a half years we have established 76 pollinating gardens, disseminated year after year the use of an application that not only benefits Guanajuato, that application allowed us to identify where the migratory route from Canada came from. Our application allowed us to identify that there are two routes that cross in the United States and that come to join right in Guanajuato, we are the last stop before reaching the sanctuaries”, said Ortiz Mantilla.

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“We want to redouble the efforts with more pollinating gardens, promote the recognition of what we call perch trees,  the tres that are visited by the butterflies year after year”, said Ortiz.

With the participation of mayors and representatives of 25 State municipalities, the authorities assumed the commitment to preserve the migratory route of the monarch butterfly, as well as to disseminate knowledge and conserve pollinating species and native plants.

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Some of the commitments of the municipalities in the agreement are:

  • Sign collaboration agreements between civil organizations and government entities to raise awareness about the decline in the migratory population of the monarch butterfly and the urgency to protect its habitat
  • Communication campaign and dissemination to citizens to make gardens with native plants in their homes or neighborhoods
  • Put up signs (advertisements, signs, panoramic, murals, etc.) in important places where the monarch butterfly migrates within the municipality
  • Publish and disseminate the list of tree species and native nectar-producing plants selected for plantations and gardens in the municipality
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  • Support the efforts of citizen science groups in monitoring the health and migration of the monarch butterfly
  • Organize and support a monarch butterfly festival
  • Implement a demonstrative pollinator garden in the main garden of the municipality or in some other representative space
  • Summon and train the personnel in charge of the green areas in the choice and use of native nectar-producing plants, as well as in the planned and correct implementation with the appropriate equipment and techniques of pruning and cleaning in urban gardens
  • Development of municipal projects for the care and management of exotic plant species
  • Integrate the conservation of the migratory phenomenon of the monarch butterfly within the policies or municipal plans
  • Promote pest control practices that do not harm pollinators in agricultural areas and urban areas of the municipality
  • Encourage the establishment of sites that serve as resting and/or feeding sites for the monarch butterfly as municipal protected areas or areas voluntarily assigned for the protection and restoration of biodiversity
  • Promote the protection of trees or shrubs used by the monarch butterfly to rest by decreeing emblematic trees or shrubs
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The signatory mayors endorsed their commitment to collaborate with the State in promoting the conservation of the monarch’s migratory route, recognizing its relevance both in the tourism and environmental fields.

Authorities from: Leon, Purisima del Rincon, Acambaro, Apaseo el Grande, Atarjea, Celaya, Coroneo, Cueramaro, Comonfort, Jerecuaro, Manuel Doblado, Moroleon, Ocampo, Salamanca, San Francisco del Rincon, San Jose Iturbide, Santa Catarina, Silao, Tarandacuao, Tierra Blanca, Uriangato, Valle de Santiago, Victoria, Villagran and Yuriria.

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The State Government, through the SMAOT, developed the mobile application ‘Mi Monarca’ designed to record sightings and the route it takes during its migratory route.

Through the mobile application ‘My Monarch’ the community of fans and scientists who love the monarch butterfly is strengthened. In it, observations and quality data are recorded and shared for the research that scientists carry out to better understand and protect this species.

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Part of the information it provides is the butterfly cycle, through photographs and information about hibernation sites, route, characteristics, its similarity with other species, cultural importance and the migratory phenomenon. 

The App is available for IOS and Android at: 


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