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UNESCO visits Valley of Mindfacture

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UNESCO visits Valley of Mindfacture

Staff of the UNO organism traveled to Guanajuato to register the application of the Mindfacture program of innovation and development in Guanajuato

The ‘Valley of Mindfacture” is presented
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Staff of the UNO organism traveled to Guanajuato to register the application of the Mindfacture program of innovation and development in Guanajuato

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Leon/Gto News

In order to learn about how the Mindfacture Valley ecosystem works, its actors, scope and actions to draw a systematic route towards the transcendence of the Mindfacture public policy, UNESCO representatives visited Guanajuato.


They were able to know several Mindfacture Nodes, the Biofertilizers, Pasteurization, Plastic Wood, Hydroponics, among other. They were able to be part of their operation, understanding their virtues and benefits for the communities in which they are located.

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The Creativika Innovation Gym, from CANACINTRA, was also visited by UNESCO staff, understanding the operation and impact of innovation gyms and the importance of the existence of the Network of more than 30 gyms in Guanajuato, and its fundamental importance for the development of ideas and their transition to business models.

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The UNESCO staff visited the Center for Applied Innovation in Competitive Technologies CIATEC AC, where they witnessed the application of the scientific and technological development of Guanajuato in the industry and how in the State research is promoted in a transversal way, impacting various sectors, thus building a more competitive Guanajuato.

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The tour concluded with a visit to the IBERO INNOVACION Technological Park, where they were able to see the work that is done, they learned about the laboratories and their versatile capacities to serve entrepreneurs from all areas of development.

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With this visit by UNESCO, continuity is given to the work done by Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo in South Africa, connecting international practices with local practices, seeking the transcendence of the Mindfacture through its systematization, placing Guanajuato as the epicenter of innovation and the economy of knowledge.

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