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Tag: MenteFactura

WOMENTEFACTURA 3.0 is held in Celaya

WOMENTEFACTURA 3.0 is held in Celaya

Guanajuatense women are benefitted with the program that trains them in technology and innovation Celaya/Gto News The training program for wome [...]
Guanajuato students design cars of the future

Guanajuato students design cars of the future

The program E-GTO promotes innovation among students of Upper Middle and Higher level education Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer [...]
UNESCO visits Valley of Mindfacture

UNESCO visits Valley of Mindfacture

Staff of the UNO organism traveled to Guanajuato to register the application of the Mindfacture program of innovation and development in Guanajuato [...]
<strong>Strengths of Mindfacture are shared</strong>

Strengths of Mindfacture are shared

Ideas and projects of citizens are promoted with programs, funds and actions by the Government and citizen groups Innovation and plans of IDEAGTO [...]
The ‘Valley of Mindfacture” is presented

The ‘Valley of Mindfacture” is presented

Guanajuatenses should be in the center of innovation and entrepreneurship, to improve income, lifestyle and environment Guanajuato is leading [...]
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