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Training for a safe return

Training sessions for workers Active workers are being trained in companies of the productive sector in Leon Training will allow companies to d

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Safe return training 2
Training sessions for workers

Active workers are being trained in companies of the productive sector in Leon

Training will allow companies to develop protocols of operation and comply with rulings to preserve health during the reactivation of the economy

Leon/Gto News

More than 600 workers of 30 companies in Leon will be benefited with the training program for the Return to Productive Actions in a Safe Environment which is provided in a joint action between the Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development (SDES), the Municipality of Leon, the State Institute of Capacitation (IECA) and Canacintra Leon.


Adopt safe operations protocols

Mauricio Usabiaga Diaz Barriga, Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development said that with these actions they are working to adopt processes of formation so that the personnel of the close to 30 companies that started this training project can acquire, update, refurbish knowledge and labor competences that will allow them to develop safe protocols of operations and comply with the guidelines established for a reactivation of productive activities, as part of the strategies for the economic reactivation that Governor of Guanajuato Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo has promoted.

Safe return training 3
Mauricio Usabiaga Diaz Barriga, Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development follows closely the training program

Prepared for a safe return

Beneficiaries are active workers in companies in Leon, which given the actual conditions of the color for reactivation of companies, are in line to restart productive activities and need to comply with the protocols of operation and with the health guidelines required by the authority.

Jose Manuel Casanueva de Diego, General Director of Economy in Leon, said: “This program of training will strengthen competencies of the personnel of companies to be able to adapt to new conditions of operation that the Covid 19 pandemic is forcing us to adopt”.

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Participants will be certified

Roberto Gonzalez Martinez, President of Canacintra Leon, said that the companies that participate will be assisted by personnel from the Chamber until they are certified by the authorities.

SDES promised to keep generating actions that benefit companies, mainly its workers, so that “if we all take care we start reactivating Guanajuato”.

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