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<strong>Three languages are learned at U-Intercultural</strong>

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Three languages are learned at U-Intercultural

The Secretary for Migrants and International Liaison participates in the first governing board of the Intercultural University of Guanajuato Da cl

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The Secretary for Migrants and International Liaison participates in the first governing board of the Intercultural University of Guanajuato

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Comonfort/Gto News

With the commitment to work and positively impact the lives of Guanajuatenses, the Secretary for Migrants and International Affairs –SMEI- participated in the first governing board of the Intercultural University of Guanajuato.

ad 2023 eng

Juan Hernandez, head of the SMEI, said that leaders from various social, community and government sectors participated in this meeting, coordinated under the sole objective of making young people transcend and this preparation helps them improve the quality of life of their families and communities.

“That is why Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo promotes the Pact for Education, with which he seeks to recover the lost ground in education left by the Covid 19 pandemic. It is a colossal effort that involves municipalities, agencies and entities, the business sector and international organizations”, said Hernandez.

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Hernandez explained that this strategy seeks to bet on innovation and education as “key rights” that will open all doors to progress and development.

Hugo Garcia, rector of this new house of studies, said that they recently had the opportunity to receive the young people of this area who decided to continue with their higher studies and with this characteristic of interculturality.

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“It is here where the original culture and language coexist with the world, they also use the English and Otomi languages ​​in their subjects. In such a way that we can transcend from the youth of our students in the space we have today”, said Garcia.

The head of SMEI and the Rector of the Intercultural University said that today more than ever, these actions seek to build a better State and Country, with the generation of talent and the spirit of improvement that position Guanajuato as a reference in education matters with an intercultural approach.

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