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Thousands witness the 151st edition of La Judea

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Thousands witness the 151st edition of La Judea

In its 151st Anniversary of Transcending Borders La Judea showed why it is necessary to practice this representation for 40 days. The event was witne

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In its 151st Anniversary of Transcending Borders La Judea showed why it is necessary to practice this representation for 40 days. The event was witnessed in 10 countries on streaming

Jesus was crucified, Judas was hanged, the devils were chased, and marketing grew with souvenirs in hats, tennis shoes and magnets

Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

La Judea, a legacy created by Hermenegildo Bustos, with the distinctive seal of Purisima del Rincon Transcends Borders.

With 40 days of practicing by the different groups, the leading drum that went around announcing fasting week after week, the soldiers, with their drums and flutes, announced that Jude will sleep in hell tonight, after he betrayed Jesus.

The group of approximately 650 actors who did their best in each representation went home satisfied with a job well done, some with more than 35 years participating in this tradition, some with their first time.

La Judea went beyond the physical and emotional borders when at noon Jesus was taken down from the cross and at 3pm everyone observed a minute of silence in Jesus’ honor, and at 5pm Judas left.

This year the enactment of La Judea was able to maintain activities of the Church and of the Council of La Judea, and the local Government, and kept the attention of people not only in Purisima del Rincon where more than 65,000 people witnessed the celebration from Sunday to Friday, with 26 thousand present on Good Friday to witness the hanging.

Purisima del Rincon was able to transcend its tradition even under the hot sun, the tiredness, the bruises, blisters and fainting that increased as the moment of the hanging was near.

Marketing of the event was present, and there were people who sold souvenirs commemorating 151 years of La Judea and manufactured shoes, hats, and magnets besides the masks and whips, people also increased the promotion of this tradition, making it clear that La Judea is from Purisima del Rincon to the world.

Thousand enjoyed the representation, both, present in Purisima del Rincon and online via streaming by TV4.

Online La Judea was enjoyed by people from 6 States in Mexico, from 10 urban areas in the USA, and 10 different countries.

Present in Purisima del Rincon there were people from at least 15 municipalities of Guanajuato; 12 States of Mexico and 3 countries.

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