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This February 14 buy local

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This February 14 buy local

The People's Government invites Guanajuatenses to celebrate February 14 by consuming local products, thus strengthening the economy and employment in

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The People’s Government invites Guanajuatenses to celebrate February 14 by consuming local products, thus strengthening the economy and employment in Guanajuato

With more than 7,000 companies, the “Marca Guanajuato” label promotes MSMEs, generates more than 200,000 jobs and preserves local traditions

Irapuato/Gto News

The Government of the People, through the Ministry of Economy, invites the people of Guanajuato to celebrate this February 14 by purchasing local products and services.

The New Beginning led by Governor Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo seeks to improve the quality of life of Guanajuatense families. Consuming local products strengthens the businesses in Guanajuato, boosts the economy and generates well-being.

According to the Secretary of Economy, Claudia Cristina Villasenor Aguilar, each purchase to a local producer strengthens the State’s economy, generates jobs and keeps alive the traditions that give Guanajuato its identity.

Products with the “Marca Guanajuato” label guarantee quality and authenticity, in addition to supporting the growth of local Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

Consuming local products is a strategic way to strengthen the economy to empower Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Guanajuato and to promote greater autonomy in a global context full of challenges; by prioritizing the local, the productive system adapts to the changes to face the challenges that the future may bring.

Every purchase translates into employment, development and well-being for thousands of people who have chosen to produce at home.

Celebrating love is also celebrating Guanajuato. This February 14, the invitation is clear: fall in love with what is ours, choose what is homemade and show that every purchase counts.

A decade after its launch, more than 7,000 companies bear the “Marca Guanajuato” emblem, consolidating this program as an example of public policy with continuity, adapted to current challenges and committed to the future.

Companies with this distinction generate employment for more than 200,000 people and contribute significantly to the economic diversification and prosperity of Guanajuato.

The Government of the People, through the Ministry of Economy, continues to work to strengthen the ecosystems that allow private initiatives to create and maintain jobs, thus contributing to the well-being of Guanajuatense families.

Points of sale can be found at: 

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