State Government invested 200 million pesos in August to strengthen the security forces of the Municipalities The XX Ordinary Session of the State
State Government invested 200 million pesos in August to strengthen the security forces of the Municipalities
The XX Ordinary Session of the State Council of Public Security is held
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Leon/Gto News
“In August, the resources of the State Fund for the Strengthening of Municipal Public Security were delivered for 200 million pesos, for the year 2022, to continue strengthening the municipal security forces”, said the Secretary of Government, J. Jesus Oviedo Herrera.

Oviedo was in the event on behalf of State Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo and led the XX Ordinary Session of the State Council for Public Safety.

Oviedo Herrera explained that Municipal Police received:
- 27 6-cylinder pick up trucks
- 89 4-cylinder pickup trucks
- 43 motorcycles
- 386 portable radios
- 376 ballistic vests
- 242 ballistic helmets
- 689 trimmings
- 10 thousand 449 professionalization services
“We have exceeded 600 million pesos, already reaching, this year, a cumulative of 1 billion pesos, from 100% State resources,” said the Secretary of Government.

Jesus Oviedo pointed out that in Guanajuato they work in coordination to combat crime and impunity; to ensure safety and justice for families in our State.
“We continue to advance in homicide results and in the crime rate. In intentional homicide, we had a decrease of 23.35 percent, as of July of this year in relation to September 2018, and we are in the sixth position in incidence per 100,000 inhabitants”, said Oviedo.

“I want to highlight the work of the Mayors with their City Councils. Mostly, for their effort to carry out diagnoses, surveys and various mechanisms to find out the reality on the closing of outlets with sale in open container in their municipalities”, emphasized Jesus Oviedo.
The Secretary said that there were 43 municipalities that pronounced themselves with some measure in closing hours or with security actions to prevent disturbances to public order.

It has also been important that, in May, only 3 municipalities had signed Annex 4 of the SATEG of the new Law on Alcoholic Beverages. Today there are already 7, but there is still work to be done within the municipalities and in the regulations necessary to comply with this agreement, said Jesus Oviedo.
“These times demand that we put all our attention and dedication. Let’s not stop doing our best. Once again I thank you for your commitment and solidarity to participate in this Council”, said Oviedo.

In today’s session it was agreed to release the final report on the actions carried out by the 46 municipalities in terms of safeguarding the order and public peace in the municipalities.
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