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The State joins effort with the tourism sector

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The State joins effort with the tourism sector

SECTURI, Municipality and Hoteliers of Guanajuato City join efforts and public and private sectors united strengthen ties of collaboration in tourism

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SECTURI, Municipality and Hoteliers of Guanajuato City join efforts and public and private sectors united strengthen ties of collaboration in tourism matters.

Guanajuato/Gto News

In a reunion with businessmen from the Association of Hotels and Motels of Guanajuato City and Officials of the Municipality, the Secretary of Tourism and Identity, Lupita Robles Leon, reported that SECTURI will focus on a strategic promotion for the 46 municipalities.

“If I have to focus on something, it is on a strategic promotion of Guanajuato as a State. Each one of you has your own intentions, strengths and markets, but we are going to align all in this strategy,” said Lupita Robles.

The head of SECTURI reiterated the instructions of Governor Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo to work on a tourism promotion that not only focuses on attracting visitors, but on creating the conditions for the people of Guanajuato to become the main promoters and beneficiaries of tourism.

With Alvaro Octavio Lara Huerta, Undersecretary of Culture, representing Lizeth Galvan Cortes, Secretary of Culture of Guanajuato, Lupita Robles said that actions that ensure a positive impact on the local economy and that provide unique experiences to visitors will be prioritized, so that Guanajuato continues to consolidate itself as an authentic and exceptional destination.

In the reunion, held in Guanajuato City, Robles listened to each of the representatives, who -individually- presented actions in tourism matters supported by the Municipal Government of Guanajuato City, led by Samantha Smith.

Ruben Morelos, President of the Association of Hotels and Motels of Guanajuato, said that it is important to reinforce synergies between private associations and the municipal government.

“We must focus on unifying our actions so that we all move in the same direction. The advantage of this coordination is that we will present a solid front to visitors and optimize promotional resources,” said the president of the Association.

Part of the actions of hoteliers is to consolidate large-scale events in Guanajuato City to provide a tourist offer that impacts visitors.

In the meeting were Officials of the City Council of Guanajuato City, the National Chamber of the Restaurant and Seasoned Food Industry (CANIRAC), members of the Tourism Council and other service providers of the World Heritage City.

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