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The Leon International Cello Festival is extended

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The Leon International Cello Festival is extended

Guanajuato City receives 2 dates of the Leon International Cello Festival The presentations are programmed at the Palacio de los Poderes Museum

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Guanajuato City receives 2 dates of the Leon International Cello Festival

The presentations are programmed at the Palacio de los Poderes Museum

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Guanajuato/Gto News

For the second time, the Leon International Cello Festival will extend to Guanajuato City, to offer recitals starring the Cedillo-Tchibirova duet and the Basque cellist Inaki Etxepare, July 28 and August 3.


The Palacio de los Poderes Museum will host these presentations, with a repertoire that ranges from Romanticism and nationalism by Rachmaninoff and Ponce; to the contemporary creation of Samuel Maynez Vidal.

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The first of the recitals, scheduled for Friday the 28th, will be given by the cellist Idelfonso Cedillo from Puebla and the Russian-Mexican pianist Fariza Tchibirova, who will share a program with preludes for cello and piano by Manuel M. Ponce and the Sonata for cello and piano, Op.19 by Rachmaninoff.

Idelfonso Cedillo is originally from Puebla and began his studies at the National Conservatory of Music, where he was a student for more than 10 years of the Dutch cellist Sally Van den Berg. 

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Tchibirova has been noted throughout her career for her electrifying and powerful piano performances. 

The second appointment of the FIVL in Guanajuato will be on Thursday, August 3 and will be led by the Basque cellist Inaki Etxepare, who will offer the program “Da Vinci & Salai”: a tour of the discoveries by the Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci and his partner Salai, with music by the Mexican composer Samuel Maynez Vidal.

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Born in Irun, Inaki Etxepare received his first cello lessons with Jacques Doue in Baiona, France, where he received a Gold Medal and an Honor Award.  The appointment for both concerts is at 7 pm, at the Palacio de los Poderes Museum, located at Plaza de la Paz 77. General admission is 50 pesos. 


  • Tickets can be purchased at the Teatro Cervantes box office
  • Monday to Friday from 10 am to 2 pm and from 5 pm to 8 pm
  • On the day of the concert at the venue

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