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The history of tunnels of Guanajuato to be presented

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The history of tunnels of Guanajuato to be presented

The book “The Tunnels of the City of Guanajuato. Study, projects, construction and designs” tells part of the history of Guanajuato Da click en el

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The book “The Tunnels of the City of Guanajuato. Study, projects, construction and designs” tells part of the history of Guanajuato

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Guanajuato/Gto News

The State Institute of Culture, through its label Ediciones La Rana, presents this Thursday June the 22nd the book “The tunnels of the city of Guanajuato. Study, projects, constructions and proposals” by Estanislao Zarate Lujano with the collaboration of Rene Echegoyen Guzman.


Juan Carlos Romero Hicks, who wrote the prologue, highlights the great career of engineer Zarate Lujano, whom he describes as an emblematic Guanajuatense by adoption who has contributed to the formation of many generations of young people in the classrooms of the University of Guanajuato, but before, he praises the simplicity of the text and the eloquence of the writer.

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The volume, of almost 300 pages, is one of the new releases of the State publisher for this 2023. It details the design, construction, and supervision of the tunnels in the Guanajuato capital, classified as roads, tourist, and pedestrian; highlighting the respect and admiration for the mining personnel, and even the prisoners who contributed to its construction.

Knowing the history of each of the tunnels embedded in the rocky massif and created through mineral extraction techniques during the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries from the proposal, the project and the construction is of interest to all the Guanajuatenses, since it is an important part of the urbanization of the city.

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Especially relevant after the great floods that devastated the capital, highlighting that of June 1, 1905, remembered in the allusive plaques nailed on the walls of some buildings in the City Center.

For the engineer Estanislao Zarate Lujano, the book originated from the enormous affection he has for this city, which has sheltered him for eight decades, and which he considers unique in the world.

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The author is widely recognized for his work as a manager in various mining companies, for an active academic life that has appreciated his efforts with important recognitions, and because he is responsible for the El Nopal experimentation mine and the Faculty of Mines, San Matias headquarters. , among many other transcendent legacies.

“The tunnels of the city of Guanajuato. Studies, projects, constructions and proposals”, is presented this Thursday 22, at 7:00 p.m., at the premises of the Conde Rul Museum. Juan Carlos Romero Hicks, Rene Echegoyen Guzman and the author will participate in the table. 

Access is free.

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