Authorities honor the work of teachers whose dedication and performance have contributed to the academic success of their students TBC teachers ha
Authorities honor the work of teachers whose dedication and performance have contributed to the academic success of their students
TBC teachers had a training course to reinforce the sense of belonging to the UVEG
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Purisima del Rincon/Gto News
With the firm commitment to constantly raise education standards in the 354 Community Telebachilleratos of Guanajuato, information sessions were held with teachers prior to the start of the January-July 2024 semester.

Rector Ricardo Narvaez led the activities, in which he inspired teachers to sow the seeds of a disruptive education model and generate creative and innovative agents of change in each classroom.

“I invite you to be more active and participatory. You are a great influence on our young people, with your example we can train great people with a bright future”, said the Rector.
The Director of Community Telebachillerato, Ma. Elena Mendoza Gonzalez, was also presented, as well as the upcoming initiatives designed for the personal development of our student community and their academic growth.

Governor, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, congratulated the teaching staff for the work carried out in 2023 and invited them to renew their commitment to the student community aimed at the same objective, which is success in their educational career.

“You have made the UVEG Telebachilleratos an example of academic excellence that is achieved with professionalism and effort. We are very proud of your work with the more than 14 thousand students throughout the State. Thank you for being trainers of the new generations and for continuing to make of Guanajuato the Greatness of Mexico!”, said the Governor.
Teachers whose dedication and performance have contributed outstandingly to the academic success of students were mentioned.

Through a detailed evaluation of teaching performance in 2023, the 5 most outstanding teachers by area were identified, whose academic achievements and commitment to education excellence stood out, covering areas such as 360° evaluations, compliance with academic indicators and participation in extracurricular activities.
The Head of the Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato -UVEG-, Ricardo Narvaez Martinez , presented the recognitions to teachers of zones 1A, 2A and 3A.

These sessions were held in Leon, Irapuato, Dolores Hidalgo, Celaya and Yuriria, reflecting the constant dedication of Telebachillerato Comunitario and the UVEG to improve and strengthen the education offer with a renewed determination and a clear vision towards the future of education in Guanajuato.
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